Grants Review - Residents Questionnaire

Closed 10 Jun 2015

Opened 13 May 2015


Changing the strategic priorities and beneficiaries of the Councils open grants programme

We are reviewing the open competitive grants that voluntary organisations and community groups (VCS) can apply to for funding and we are currently consulting with local groups. This questionnaire gives residents an opportunity to give their views on some changes we are proposing to the strategic priorities for these grants and who should benefit from them.

Currently the VCS have to demonstrate in their grant applications how the projects they want the Council to fund will deliver against one or more of Hackney’s six Sustainable Community Strategy objectives. Through consultation already undertaken with the VCS we have learnt that many struggle to demonstrate this.

Consultation has also identified their key strengths and what they are best placed to deliver in relation to a range of Team Hackney priorities. In view of this we are planning to set out new strategic priorities. We will also be clearer about who the grants should benefit, reflecting the ability of the VCS to reach people with the greatest need and disadvantage.

Setting new priorities

We are proposing to set these new strategic priority issues as a focus for grant funding:

  • Promote social inclusion, encourage independence and develop personal resilience
  • Maintain good levels of cohesion by ensuring that there is a shared and consistently positive view across all of Hackney’s communities

The proposal is to also provide guidance on who it is important for the funding to reach and support by focussing on:

  • Improving the lives of people living in difficult circumstances
  • Supporting and enabling people with complex needs
  • Working with people who would benefit most from improved health
  • Alleviating the impacts of poverty
  • Improving the lives of disabled people and or older people
  • Tackling inequality

New open competitive grants

In addition to the open programme it is being proposed that new ring fenced funds are provided for two specific areas of activity.

The VCS have a strong track record in delivering open access, universal activity and the consultation is an opportunity to explore the potential and priorities for a new competitive grant for universal activity for children and young people. It is therefore proposed to:

  • Explore the potential for investment in open, universal activity for children and young people

The current grants programme has not fully captured the benefits of culture, arts and sport for some disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. These can have a transformative impact and it is therefore proposed to:

  •  Explore the potential focus for a grant for the local VCS that would support cultural, arts and sport activity


  • Understanding views