Needs of Vulnerable Migrants Questionnaire

Closed 3 Mar 2017

Opened 10 Feb 2017


The Needs of Vulnerable Migrant research is looking at the extent to which there are individuals in Hackney who may be vulnerable due to their migration history, how accessible Council services are for them, what barriers exist to access and what impact unmet needs have.

'Vulnerable' is defined for this work by a range of determinants of vulnerability. This may include personal vulnerabilities, e.g. mental health conditions from past trauma, difficulty communicating in English, low income or poverty. It may also include societal vulnerabilities, e.g. lack of knowledge of the British legal system or individual rights, insecure housing or employment, low level of awareness of public services, risk of exploitation by landlord or employer, risk of discrimination, etc.


Why your views matter

The findings from the questionnaire will be used alongside conversations with internal managers, representatives from the voluntary and community sector who work with vulnerable migrants and desktop research of best practice and other approaches to understand the issues and barriers being faced. We will use the evidence gathered to produce recommendations on how we as a Council and other organisations can improve to ensure needs are being met.


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas