Alcohol Strategy Consultation

Closed 9 Oct 2017

Opened 17 Jul 2017

Results updated 16 Jan 2018



The Alcohol Strategy will set out the Council’s priorities for reducing alcohol related harm over the next three years. The strategy draws on what residents and partners have told us already and a range of local and national evidence summarised in our Health and Wellbeing Profile.

Why your views matter

We’re developing a new Alcohol Strategy for the next three years that will set out how the Council and its partners will work to reduce alcohol related harm.

We want to hear the views of everyone in Hackney about what the most important priorities should be so we can make sure our strategy reflects this.

The draft strategy identifies four broad objectives:

  • Encourage healthier drinking behaviours
  • Commission appropriate and responsive treatment services
  • Support families, carers, and young people affected by alcohol misuse
  • Improve drinking environments

The consultation seeks views on a number of specific actions to address alcohol related harm in Hackney, under each of the above objectives.



  • Health and wellbeing