Come Correct

Closed 21 Sep 2019

Opened 27 May 2019


Hackney Council and Come Correct; a free condom provision service, want to understand the views and experiences of young people aged between 16-24 concerning the current Come Correct Scheme in Hackney and City of London. This is so that we can improve the current service that we offer to young people and encourage more to sign up to Come Correct.

All answers are anonymous, unless you include your contact details for a response to a query you have included. All data will be held in the strictest confidentiality and in line with the Government Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To have your say please fill out the short survey by 30th June 2019.


  • All of the information collected will be anonymised and stored electronically on a password protected PC.

  • The data and reports will be owned by Hackney Council.

  • The data collected will be anonymised so it cannot be used to identify any of the participants taking part in the survey.

  • All information will be deleted in line with Hackney Council's Privacy Statement once the project is completed. Hackney Council's Privacy Statement can be accessed at:


  • Understanding views
  • Health and wellbeing