Hackney "Ditch the Fizz" Sugary Drinks Survey

Closed 30 Jun 2018

Opened 1 May 2018

Results updated 16 Feb 2023



Sugar Smart Hackney aims to reduce excessive sugar consumption in the borough in order to improve health.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this survey is to help Sugar Smart Hackney understand current sugary drinks consumption habits of those who have pledged to give up sugary drinks for a fortnight as part of Hackney’s #DitchTheFizz campaign.  

The information collected in this survey will be used to inform the work of Sugar Smart Hackney, a joint initiative of Hackney Public Health and Hackney Food Partnership funded by Hackney Council and Sustainable Food Cities. 

It will help know how to help people in Hackney make more informed decisions on what they choose to drink and how healthier low or no sugar drinks, including tap water, can be better promoted.

Are you ready to #DitchTheFizz? If so, please complete this survey and your name will be entered in a prize draw!


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