School Based Health Services survey

Closed 21 Dec 2016

Opened 31 Oct 2016


Dear Head Teacher / SENCO,

The London Borough of Hackney is interested in your views on improving the way in which school nursing services are provided in the borough.

As you may well be aware, there are three distinct school nursing services in the London Borough of Hackney and the City of London. Please see the below information about school nursing services in the borough. This will also be available as you go through and answer the questions. 

School nursing services provided by Homerton University NHS Foundation Trust:

The School Entry Health Assessment and National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) service, which is responsible for:

1)  School Health Entry Health Assessments. This includes vision and hearing screening with height and weight measurement (NCMP) for all children in reception and those who start school at any point in the school year.

2) Height and weight measurement for children in year 6 (NCMP).

3) When required, referral of children to specialist services e.g. Medical assessment, Speech and language therapy, Audiology or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

The School Based Health Service for Children with Disabilities, and those with Additional Health Needs, which is responsible for:

1) Health assessments and development of Individual Health Care Plans for children with medical needs

2) Training for school staff in the routine management of common conditions e.g. asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis and diabetes

School nursing service provided by Whittington Health:

The Safeguarding School Based Health Service, which is responsible for:

1) Providing health assessments to children and young people identified as ‘vulnerable’ (e.g. a child on a child protection plan or a child in need). 

2) Attending child protection conferences or multi-agency meetings to provide health assessment information as required.

N.B. NHS England have commissioning responsibility for the national school immunisation programme for the London Borough of Hackney and the City of London.

We would be grateful if you completed the survey over the page. It shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes. 


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas
  • Children and young people
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools