Hackney Night Time Strategy Consultation

Closes 20 Oct 2024

Opened 30 Jul 2024


The London Borough of Hackney is developing an evening and night time strategy to balance supporting the evening and night time economy with the needs of residents. 

The Strategy will set out the Borough’s strategic vision for the evening and night time (6 pm to 6 am) which will help shape, influence and link with wider strategies and inform policies across the Council. It provides guidance for partner organisations, residents and businesses to ensure the night-time economy in the borough is encouraged to grow, whilst ensuring it is sustainable, reflects the needs of local residents, businesses and workers and is inclusive to all.

This survey will be used to understand what residents, visitors, businesses and workers think about Hackney’s evening and night time, and will help us develop policies that reflect needs accurately.

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • Business
  • Staff
  • Residents
  • Service users
  • LGBT - Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgendered people
  • Men
  • Women


  • Understanding views