Have your say on markets

Closed 1 Aug 2016

Opened 9 May 2016


We love our markets, the heritage, variety and service they provide to our local communities. We recognise the need to develop our markets and aim to support their stable growth and future success.

Hackney Council is proposing a new Market Strategy for 2015-20. This provides an overview of our plans for the development and improvement of our markets. The new recommendations for Hackney’s markets support the Mayor’s objectives as laid out in the Council’s Corporate Plan for 2015-18. We aim to create new opportunities for local residents, improve the customer experience and provide support for traders to grow their businesses.

A summary of the proposed changes

A new five year strategy is being developed based on our seven key priorities:

  1. Customer care and standards 
  2. Environment and regeneration 
  3. Marketing 
  4. Equality 
  5. Enforcement 
  6. Performance 
  7. Entrepreneurism 


The strategy was developed following the London Retail Group studies into our local markets in 2009 and 2013 with the assistance of market traders, local residents and businesses. The information collated helped to shape the recommendations which will now provide a strong policy structure to guide the Council’s market operations.

To download a copy of the proposed Market Strategy report, consultation booklet or the questionnaire please click on the links at the bottom of this page. You can return the questionnaire using the details at the back.

Why your views matter

We would like hear your views about how we can improve market services.

We also want to hear about your market experiences, whether positive or negative to understand how our current policies and processes are working.

We would like you share your ideas as we value your input.

What happens next

All representations will be considered and a formal decision to implement any revised recommendations. The proposed recommendations will then be finalised, residents and traders will be notified through a statutory notice in Hackney Today, and provided 28 days’ notice from the publication date of the newspaper before any amendments to recommendations take effect.



  • Understanding views