Waste Collection Changes - Online drop-in sessions

Closed 23 Nov 2020

Opened 6 Nov 2020


In Spring 2021 we will be reducing the frequency of non-recyclable waste collections. This will mean moving waste collections from every week to every two weeks. This will impact street-level properties (generally houses, or houses that have been converted into flats, which have green sack recycling services) in Hackney. 

We are running a series of remote engagement sessions about the coming service change. The focus will be on presenting the changes to you and answering your questions.

We are looking for a diverse range of Hackney residents to take part, but specifically in these groups: 18-24 year olds, older people, parents with babies, residents with disabilities and large families. You must receive a street level waste collection to take part.

We are hosting two different type of sessions:

1) Online drop in sessions - Tuesday 24th November 11:00-11:45am and 12:00-12:45pm
These live sessions will be held over Zoom where we will be presenting the plans for waste service change and answering questions from participants. Registration will close one day before the event and a link to the Zoom session will be sent to you shortly before the event. If you can’t attend on the day, we will upload a recording of the video so you can catch up at a later date.

2) Telephone call in
If you would like to discuss the service change and you are not able to take part in the online sessions, we will arrange a time for a phone call to discuss the service change.

Please complete the registration form if you would like to take part in either of these sessions.


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