Wick Woodland PSPO Consultation 2018

Closed 12 Dec 2018

Opened 31 Oct 2018

Results updated 3 Jun 2019

A total of 123 participants took part in the consultation.

● 46% (57) said they support the introduction of the PSPO
● 43% (53) said they oppose the introduction of the PSPO
● 4% (5) said they partially support the introduction of the PSPO
● 4% (5) said they are unsure
● 2% (3) did not answer.

The largest amount of those in support came from those who completed paper copies (20 - 35%) followed by those who chose not to disclose their postcode (16 - 28%).

The largest amount of those in oppose came from those with ‘Other Hackney’ postcodes (not local
to Wick Woodland) - 40% (21) and those Outside of Hackney - 30% (16). Viewed together, at least
70% of all those opposed who are not local to Wick Woodland.

The full report, which outlines participants expriences of ASB and use of Wick Woodland, as well as thoughts on the proposed PSPO, can be downloaded below.

The consultation report was taken to Cabinet on 29th April 2019 and considered alongside other evidence where Cabinet agreed to the making of a Public Spaces Protection Order under Section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014; and the prohibitions and requirements in the specific area of Wick Woodland for an initial period of three years.

To review the Cabinet report and reasons for decisions click on the link below.




For a number of years the Council has received numerous complaints about unauthorised gatherings and associated noise, littering and other antisocial behaviour (ASB) taking place in Wick Woodland (by Hackney Marshes). This includes large antisocial parties and raves that cause significant noise disturbance in the local area, as well as significant environmental and wildlife damage. As a result of the raves, trees have been broken and uprooted, which has had a detrimental effect on nesting birds and mammals living in the woodland. The Council’s parks team has also had to clear up an extensive amount of rubbish and repair the damage caused to the Wick Woodland area.

The Council and the Police have taken measures to prevent ASB on Wick Woodland. This has included: installing logs and natural fencing to make the area difficult to access with machinery; applying for injunctions to prevent organisers setting up raves; and issuing community protection warnings. The Woodland Trust have also replanted worn areas of woodland. However, this has not stopped the antisocial behaviour, which is why we are proposing to introduce a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), enabling our Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers to issue on-the-spot fines to those organising and attending raves and causing ASB in the area.

Why your views matter

The aim of this consultation is to understand Hackney residents' experiences of ASB in Wick Woodland, understand whether you would support the introduction of a PSPO, and gather your thoughts on what it should include. We want to make sure we get this right, so that the Council can protect this valued woodland space, whilst also ensuring we allow and encourage residents to use and appreciate it.

Please read the supporting summary document below before completing this survey.


  • Understanding views
  • Community safety
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Parks & green spaces