Colville Estate Phases 4-7 Development Proposal: Resident Consultation Feedback Form
Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation and thousands more on the waiting list for social housing. That’s why Hackney is building.
Hackney Council has appointed a team led by architects Maccreanor Lavington to review and update the masterplan for Colville Estate phases 4-7. Since November 2023, the project team has been working to undertake a Masterplan Review and develop concept designs for the four remaining phases. The Masterplan Review process looked at how a number of changes in the borough and the construction industry impact the previous masterplan and what changes would be required to reflect updated building standards and better address the needs of the community.
Changes are being made to the 2012 Masterplan, but the Council continues to commit to deliver:
• a minimum of 175 social rent homes across Phase 4-7. This delivers a like-for-like provision of the 338 social homes in the original estate.
• With 50% of these units across Phases 2-7 phases, by habitable room, will be affordable.
Why your views matter
Hackney Council’s Housing Regeneration & Delivery team would like to gather residents’ views on the external areas, shared spaces and public realm on the estate, which will inform the design of the new homes and the surrounding neighbourhood. This survey runs alongside the public drop-in event held on the 18th January 2025.
Please review the exhibition boards below and complete the following survey questions and let us know your thoughts. Please share any additional ideas and opinions in the free text boxes provided.
- Understanding views
- Gathering ideas
- Regeneration
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