Orwell Court and Welshpool Street - Garage and Storage Questionnaire

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Closes 4 Aug 2024

Orwell and Welshpool Garages Questionnaire

1. Which one of the following best describes you:
2. What do you primarily use the garage for?
3. If used for a market, what kind of stall is operated?
4. How often is the garage accessed?
5. How much of your garage space are you currently using?
6. If storage was to be re-provided, what size storage space would you like?

While we cannot guarantee that storage space will be re-provided, your feedback will inform the design of the development for the site.

7. Do you share the garage space with anyone else?
8. How many individuals have keys/access to this garage?
9. Are there any particular amenities or facilities you feel are missing and would benefit the community?