Self-Service Payment Centre Survey
Results updated 8 Dec 2017
The Self Service Payment Centre (SSPC) opened on the 3rd January 2017, replacing the Cashiers department and changing the way the service operated going from a face-face to an automated one.
The aim of the survey was to find out what our service users thought of the SSPC, so that we can improve the way they accessed the service.
The consultation ran for six weeks from 24 July to 01 September 2017, with all the 174 responses were completed online within the SSPC.
- Hackney Self Service Payment Centre Survey, 24.2 KB (Office Word 2007 XML document)
Hackney Council wants to hear your views on the new Self-Service Payment Centre (formally Cashiers Department) so that we can improve the way you access and use the service.
- Understanding views
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