Downs Road - Rendlesham Road Junction Raised zebra crossing proposals

Closed 9 Oct 2015

Opened 18 Sep 2015


The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working or visiting the borough. Helping to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s Transport vision. To achieve these aims, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer and more accessible street environment for all users.

The Council recently received a signed petition from a large number of residents and other members of the public in the Rendlesham Road area asking for improved pedestrian crossing facilities at the Downs Road/Rendlesham Road junction. In order to support a case for making improvements at this location the Council has completed a preliminary investigation looking at vehicle volume and speed at the junction and the level of pedestrian crossing demand, particularly amongst children and other vulnerable road users.

Based on the information collected and assessed, the Council has now developed proposals that will improve crossing facilities for pedestrians at the junction.

This consultation seeks the views of local residents and businesses on the measures proposed.

The Proposals Include:

1. Installing a raised junction table at the Downs Road/Rendlesham Road junction with a zebra crossing on the western arm of Downs Road. The raised junction will help reduce vehicle speeds and provide step free crossing facilities for pedestrians on all three arms of the junction.

2. Refurbishing the pavements around the Downs Road/Rendlesham Road junction.

3. Removing the existing speed cushions on Rendlesham Road next to the Downs Road junction.

The proposals will affect an existing residents’ parking bay situated outside 3 Downs Road. Approximately four car parking spaces will be removed.

For an overview of the proposals, please refer to the drawing enclosed.


What happens next

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. Works are expected to start in December 2015/January 2016 should the majority of responses be in support of proposals.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for replying to this consultation.


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Planning