Flooding Questionnaire

Closed 7 Dec 2014

Opened 31 Oct 2014


What is the purpose of this questionnaire?

The storm on Friday 19th September generated an unprecedented amount of rainfall, 50mm (2 inches) an hour, and was concentrated over Hackney Wick. This caused a series of floods across Hackney. The rainfall lasted for less than one hour but the volume of rain was such that a number of streets had an accumulation of water that made transport extremely difficult. It should be stressed that the rainfall was exceptionally heavy. A second storm affected Hackney on the morning of Saturday 20th September. This second storm was less intense than the Friday event, but did lead to some localised flooding in the borough.

The more information we have about how flooding occurs and the impacts, the better prepared we can all be.

By completing this questionnaire you will help us to better understand the full picture of the recent flooding events in your area and the impact on you and your community.

We will use the information you share with us to map these flood events and further develop our flood maps. In turn, this will inform decisions about how we manage flood risk in the future and improve how we work with our partners to respond to flooding. It would appear that a main cause of the flooding was the inability of the sewer system to cope with the heavy flows. We will share your information with our partners, including Thames Water, to enable them to prioritise their investigations and improvement works.

The information you provide will also help to improve the flood warning service in your area so more detail can be provided in messages, making them as accurate, relevant and timely as possible.

What will you do with my information?

We will collate the information you give us into a number of larger sets of data to understand the floods. The majority of this data will be anonymous.

We may share this information with our local authority or emergency service partners for planning and emergency planning purposes, but only in accordance with the Data Protection
Act 1998.

Flooding Photos

We are very keen to collect any photos that you may have taken of the recent flooding. If you have photos you would be willing to share with us please state when they were taken, where from and what they were looking at. If you have electronic copies of images please email them to us at: floodsandsuds@hackney.gov.uk (Please note there is a 10mb file size limit).




  • Community safety