Hoxton East Area Travel Survey

Closed 31 Mar 2024

Opened 19 Feb 2024


A greener, healthier Hoxton East

Early last year, the Council’s Cabinet approved plans to reduce traffic and cut pollution in more areas of the borough to help reduce our impact on climate change and support more people to walk, shop and cycle locally. One of these areas is the Hoxton East area, which is bounded by the A10, Old Street, East Road, New North Road and Regent’s Canal. This forms part of our plans to reduce overall traffic in Hackney by 15% by 2026.

What is this survey about?

To inform our plans, this survey is about gathering information on how you travel as a local resident in your area, what routes you take on a regular basis and what changes you would want the Council to introduce in terms of traffic and transportation. We are also speaking directly to local community groups and businesses and listening to their experiences of travelling in the local area.

How will we use this information

The information you provide will be used to draft proposals to cut traffic and pollution for local residents and businesses.

We will use this study to:

  • Make the Hoxton East area easier to walk and cycle in
  • Improve journey times for buses and ambulances
  • Reduce traffic in the area
  • Improve the Hoxton East area as a place to visit and shop, including on market day

Accessibility statement

If you require this survey in a different format, please email streetscene.enquiries@hackney.gov.uk. We will consider your request and get back to you in the next five working days.


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Pollution