Hoxton Street Cycle Improvements
The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working or visiting the borough. Helping to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s Transport vision and an essential part of Hackney’s Community Strategy.
To achieve this Hackney Council has developed a programme to improve accessibility and permeability for cyclists around the borough. Locations where cycle movements are restricted, such as one-way streets and systems, can be a key barrier to cycling. Allowing cyclists to ride both directions in one-way streets can make cycling in town and cities more convenient and attractive.
Hoxton Street has been identified as a location where cycle permeability improvements are required. Hoxton Street is currently ‘one way’ southbound for all traffic but there is high potential demand for northbound cycling if safe and convenient facilities can be provided.
For northbound cycling to be formally introduced, a number of changes to the road layout are required. This document sets out the proposed changes that would need to be made along Hoxton Street between Fanshaw Street and Old Street in order to accommodate northbound cycling.
In addition, Mundy Street is very narrow and vehicles using it in both directions can present a significant safety issue to children attending St Monica’s School. The Council is therefore using this opportunity to also put forward changes that would help regulate the movement of traffic in Mundy Street.
This consultation seeks the views of residents and property owners who live near the affected areas around Hoxton Street.
The proposals include:
- Introducing a northbound contraflow cycle lane between Old Street and Fanshaw Street to create a continuous link between Shoreditch and De Beauvoir
- Either making Mundy Street one-way eastbound (towards Hoxton Street) or closing it to motorised traffic. Cycling would still be permitted in both directions for both options.
- Introducing cycle friendly (sinusoidal) road humps to replace the existing speed cushions between Fanshaw Street and Old Street.
- Adjusting the width of the existing parking bays in Hoxton Street to increase the available width for southbound traffic and north bound cycling.
- Replacing the existing single yellow line waiting restrictions with double yellow ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions.
- Relocating the disabled bay near Mundy Street junction to the eastern side of the road to help create a longer uninterrupted stretch of kerbside for northbound cycling.
- Modifying the entry treatment table at the Old Street junction to accommodate northbound cycling.
- Installing a raised junction table at the Fanshaw Street junction with waiting facilities for cyclists proceeding north of Fanshaw Street.
- Refurbishing the pavements around the Fanshaw Street and Old Street junctions.
For an overview of the proposals, please refer to the drawing in additional documents.
Why your views matter
This document sets out Hackney Council’s proposals for improvements to be carried out at Hoxton Street.
Your views are very important in the council’s decision-making process. Please read through the information in this document and fill in the questionnaire by Friday 6 February 2015.
What happens next
What happens next?
Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. Works are expected to start in April 2015 should we get a positive response. May we take this opportunity to thank you for replying to this consultation.
How to give your views:
Please complete the questionnaire and return by Friday 6 February 2015
How we use your feedback
We will not be able to reply to you individually, but we will consider your comments, together with road safety research and statistics, to help us make a decision about the proposals.
We can only accept one reply per household.
We can only consider your response if you supply your address and post code. You do not need to supply your name. Under the Local Government Act 1985, all replies will be available for public inspection, so we cannot guarantee your response will remain confidential.
- Traffic and transportation
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