Lansdowne Drive Bus Gate - Proposal to extend operational times
Results updated 6 Mar 2024
Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.
The decision summary leaflet, and link to the key decision report showing the results of the consultation, can be found below.
- London Fields LTN decision summary leaflet, 1.0 MB (PDF document)
- London Fields LTN decision summary drawings, 4.1 MB (PDF document)
We are seeking your views regarding our proposal to extend the operational hours of the Lansdowne Drive bus gate. This forms part of a broader project to improve the London Fields low traffic neighbourhood (LTN), following traffic monitoring and feedback from residents during its trial period. The low traffic neighbourhood was made permanent in February 2022. This is part of our plans to rebuild a greener Hackney, improve road safety and support people to walk, shop and cycle locally.
Why are we reviewing the Lansdowne Drive bus gate?
The Lansdowne Drive bus gate was implemented before the introduction of the London Fields LTN. The operational times of 7am - 10am and 3pm - 7pm Monday - Saturday were suitable for the area to balance access for local residents and traffic filtering.
In February 2022, the trial measures for the LTN were approved and adopted permanently. This followed 18 months of an experimental traffic order which allowed residents to experience in real time the challenges and benefits of the scheme and have their say. For more information on the London Fields LTN, visit,
The LTN brought further restrictions at Richmond Road and Pritchard’s Road where 24 hour bus gates were introduced. This had a significant impact on the Lansdowne Drive bus gate as it became the only available route inside the LTN for east-west traffic outside its operational times.
At the time of approval of the LTN, the Council was aware, from feedback during the experimental period, that there were still some outstanding issues that needed to be addressed in order to improve the way it operates.
The operational times of the Lansdowne Drive bus gate were of concern to local residents due to the amount of through-traffic that finds its way through residential roads such as Pownall Road, Middleton Road, Lavender Grove and Westgate Street outside the operational times of the bus gate.
The existing operational times of the bus gate do not cover the majority of the time when Broadway Market is open and this acts as a barrier to pedestrians and cyclists from London Fields. The review of the operational times of the bus gate was mentioned in Table 17 of the London Fields LTN Delegated Powers Report which can be downloaded here:
What are we proposing?
The Lansdowne Drive bus gate is located to the south east of the Trederwen Road - Lansdowne Drive junction and has operational times of 7am - 10am and 3pm - 7pm Monday - Saturday which are enforced by cameras.
General traffic can therefore currently pass through the location of the bus gate from 10am - 3pm and from 7pm - 7am Monday - Saturday and all day Sunday. Although this is beneficial to local residents who may need direct access to Mare Street and Queensbridge Road, it has the disadvantage of allowing through-traffic to pass through residential roads.
Residents are invited to submit their views on the following options for the operational times:
Option 1: Extended hours of operation 7am - 7pm Monday - Sunday
Option 1 would result in reduced daytime traffic flows (between 7am and 7pm) while allowing local residents to use the bus gate during the evenings and early mornings.
In June 2021, we approved a policy to exempt Blue Badge holders from traffic filters on eligible bus routes. This policy applies only to new restrictions/filters, or those that are being changed. As a result, this would apply if changes were made to the Lansdowne Drive bus gate.
Option 2: Retain existing hours of operation 7am - 10am and 3pm - 7pm from Monday - Saturday
Option 2 would mean the operational times of the bus gate would remain the same.
Please refer to this map.
Further updates about the London Fields LTN
London Fields School Street
Streetscene Officers are currently developing proposals on how the London Fields School Street could be adjusted if there are changes to the operational times of the Lansdowne Drive bus gate. Any changes to the way the School Street operates will be sent to residents and stakeholders for comments before implementation.
Permanent structures for traffic measures
Following the decision to make the LTN permanent, and once funding is secured, we will be installing permanent infrastructure to replace the temporary infrastructure such as metal planters on traffic filters. Once the funding to implement these changes is in place, residents will be given an opportunity to comment on permanent proposals before they are implemented.
Ongoing Investigations
During the trial period of the London Fields LTN, we heard comments from residents about issues you would like to see addressed.
You can read a summary of these at
We are investigating these comments and developing proposals and will engage directly with residents affected before any improvements are made. As part of this engagement, which will take place after the Lansdowne Drive bus gate consultation, we would welcome comments about how other parts of the low traffic neighbourhood could be improved.
What happens next?
Your feedback will help us to reach a decision on which option to proceed with. The results will be available at and residents will be informed of the outcome of the consultation and if any works would be involved (Option 1).
Subject to the consultation outcome, the Council would be required to carry out its legal statutory consultation, at which point you would be entitled to make further comments and representations.
For further information on this proposal, please contact the Hackney Service Centre by calling 020 8356 2897 or by emailing
If you need any information on this consultation in a different format please email We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 5 working days.
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