New Inn Yard Public Realm Improvement Scheme
Results updated 9 Oct 2018
The delegated powers decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.
- Delegated Powers Decision.pdf, 193.4 KB (PDF document)
This is the second stage of consultation for New Inn Yard following the first stage in 2017,
where we indicated there was a forthcoming scheme for the street and looked for ideas and the identification of issues. Since then, we have been working on a scheme influenced by the responses received, combined with our broader objectives, and are now seeking your views on the proposals to improve and enhance New Inn Yard.
Why your views matter
This is part of a new approach as to how we want the streets of Shoreditch and Hoxton to work – a long term vision for this thriving and dynamic area of London is to create streets that are safe and easy to walk or cycle on, reducing vehicle dependence and improving air quality.
The Council’s Transport Strategy recognises that roads and streets in our neighbourhoods are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on; they make up the largest element of the public realm of the city and are the places where we socialise and live our lives. We would like to transform Hackney’s neighbourhoods into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London. This aspiration can only be achieved by reducing the dominance of the private vehicle primarily through managing on-street parking and reducing traffic flows.
Our Transport Strategy includes a number of actions that are relevant to this scheme:
• W1: Walking mode share target – Sets a target of 40% of all trips to be undertaken
by walking as the main mode of transport.
• W2: Walking to work target – Aims to increase the proportion of Hackney residents walking to work.
• W5: Improvements to the walking environment in Shoreditch
• W19: Reducing street clutter
• LN12: Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) – Works to include SuDS in public realm schemes and as part of new developments.
• LN3: Improving air quality – Tackles poor air quality, reducing NO2 and PM10 emissions.
• LN4: Low Emission Neighbourhoods (LENs) – Supports TfL air quality initiatives and works with TfL on the successful implementation of Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZs) and LENs.
We recognise the detrimental impact of air pollution in the City Fringe. Air pollution is responsible for the death of approximately 10,000 Londoners each year and causes alarming rates of asthma and other respiratory illnesses in children.
This has led to us creating a LEN in the City Fringe, made possible through funding partly from the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund. This scheme is part of a package of measures focussed on reducing emissions and promoting sustainable travel to improve local air quality.
The approach we are taking includes a series of schemes intended to improve walking and cycling conditions within Shoreditch and this New Inn Yard scheme is one of several coming forward that will contribute to making Shoreditch and Hoxton a more liveable and healthier place.
These schemes will:
• reduce levels of pollution
• make it easier and safer to walk and cycle
• improve the character of the area for all residents and businesses
• improve people’s walking experience
What are the proposals?
There is funding available to turn the eastern section of New Inn Yard into somewhere that feels more vital, safe and active, improves the experience of walking through it by reducing the dominance of vehicles and generally improves the character of the area.
We believe that making the environment more attractive encourages more walking and this scheme could play a big part in achieving that.
It is vital to relocate the existing parking from the eastern section of New Inn Yard to Anning Street in order to serve the needs of users. This would allow us to change the existing road layout to prioritise pedestrians and allow space for street tree planting (please refer to the plan attached below). These measures were suggested in many of the responses we received from the first stage of consultation. We will also create new pavement areas using good quality materials that are more in keeping with the historical nature of the area. These measures will result in a high quality pedestrian focused street with a distinct and pleasant character.
New trees will contribute to a greener, softer character to the new street. The trees are intended to create seasonal interest and add further quality to the new space.
As part of the scheme we are also proposing to introduce a street designation which will allow us to remove all line markings. This will reduce visual clutter and aid a sense that this is a street for people.
See below for additional frequently asked questions (FAQs) which provide more information regarding why we are proposing the works as well as answers to more specific questions.
The Future
We have plans to put lighting on the bridge as well as a projected lighting unit underneath the bridge when funding becomes available. This will act as a platform for digital art (or other visual mediums) and should act to enliven the bridge area.
A further proposal, focused more upon how vehicles use this street, will follow this scheme. This will aim to alleviate local concerns regarding traffic issues and will look at the wider area to see how to effectively resolve existing problems. This is likely to occur in 2018/19.
As part of this we will consider introducing a restricted vehicle access arrangement in consultation with local businesses and residents. This would take the form of restricted access to the eastern section of New Inn Yard to delivery vehicles only at specific times as well as residential vehicle access only to parking bays in Anning Street. This would be subject to a separate consultation.
What happens next
Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process.
We will publish the consultation responses, as well as the decisions made, at To keep up to date with this and other plans,
please visit
Permanent works
We expect construction works to commence around June 2019 with completion in 12 weeks.
Temporary works
During the works a temporary full closure would need to be in operation between King John Court and Anning Street.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and businesses will continue to operate. Further information regarding the works will be sent out closer to the time.
Q. Has anti-social behaviour been considered in the design of this scheme?
A. Yes. The amount of proposed seating has been minimised as much as possible as well as spread apart to avoid the potential congregating of people. Some seating is however important in giving the space a more relaxed feel as well as providing resting stops for the elderly and infirm.
Lighting will also be improved upon existing levels to the western section of New Inn Yard. We will also ensure that new trees do not create dark spots by adjusting lighting levels if needed.
Q. Will existing parking arrangements to the eastern section of New Inn Yard change?
A. Existing car parking will be retained but relocated to Anning Street in part on pavement/part on-street bays. Anning Street has far less pedestrians using it than New Inn Yard and the presence of parking would not disrupt pedestrian movements to the same degree as on New Inn Yard. It is acknowledged that placing parking part on pavement/part on-street is not ideal, however due to the constraints in the space this is the only feasible way of doing this. There will still be sufficient passing space for pedestrians.
Q. Are we going to address existing concerns about vehicle related issues regarding
traffic and ‘rat running’ issues in the local street network?
A. Yes. Streetscene will follow up this project in the future, looking at the wider area so to be able to effectively resolve existing problems. In order for this to happen effectively, transport assessments, modal counts and traffic modelling will be undertaken.
Q. What where the initial consultation responses carried out in September?
A. Over twenty people responded to the survey. Suggestions included:
• Several respondents were in favour of seeing improvements to the quality of the public realm and the street in general
• Improved management of the way traffic uses the street (stemming in particular out
of concerns related to the amount of HGV traffic accessing Holywell Lane)
• A desire to see tree planting and improved street lighting
• Several suggestions to shut the road to vehicles (the eastern end especially)
• Prioritising safety for pedestrians and cyclists (primarily through managing the way
vehicles use the street)
• Removal of car parking
• Reducing vehicle speeds and dominance
• Improving access and visibility to the eastern alleyway
• Public art tied in to the Amnesty International building
• Public art under the bridge and on the street in general
• Environmental improvements to the western end of the street as part of
a safer environment
• Greater waste and environmental management (public urination, cleaning and litter)
Q. Why are we intending to light the bridge?
A. We intend to highlight the location of the bridge because highlighting the most visible part of New Inn Yard will enhance the street’s identity, making it more legible for pedestrians.
Q. Why are we concentrating on the east side of New Inn Yard for most of the proposals?
A. Due to forthcoming private developments toward the west section of New Inn Yard
on New Inn Broadway, the area west of the bridge cannot be developed as part of this
proposal. This circumstance is regrettable but beyond our control as we would have liked to improve the section between New Inn Yard bridge to New Inn Broadway. This also means we are not able to affect the amount of HGV’s that use the west section of New Inn Yard as a way to access Holywell Lane.
- Traffic and transportation
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