Northwold Road and Public Realm Consultation

Closed 22 Aug 2014

Opened 18 Jul 2014


The Council is asking residents, stakeholders and motorist to have their say about new proposals to improve the public rhelm and pedestrian accessibility along Northwold Road (B111) between Stamford Hill (A10) and Upper Clapton Road (A107).


Why your views matter

The Council aims to improve the streetscape by reducing the risk of accidents and improve pedestrian, bus and cycle safety in the area, particularly as this is a residential area with shops and a school. It also involves a complete review of all the past concerns raised by residents, ward members and other stakeholders.


What happens next

Residents feedback will be taken into account as part of the detailed design and work will commence in November 2014 should the responses be in support of proposals. May we take this opportunity to thank you for replying to this consultation.




  • Understanding views