Hackney Transport Survey 2017 - Public

Closed 30 Sep 2017

Opened 1 Sep 2017


Hackney Council wants to find out how you get to work as part of a huge borough-wide survey to encourage greener travel.

If you work in Hackney, take the survey and you can win £100 cash prize and employers can apply for grants of up to £2,000 towards sustainable transport promotion or facilities. In order to apply businesses will need at least 30 per cent of their employees to respond.

The survey will help the Council understand how people travel to work, what would encourage people to walk and cycle more or reduce their reliance on a car. The survey also aims to collate what the Council is doing well and on what it could improve in terms of travel. 


  • Car Free Day in Shoreditch

    From 22 Sep 2015 at 08:00 to 22 Sep 2015 at 20:00


    On Friday 22 September, Hackney will host two events in Shoreditch to celebrate Car Free Day:

    Garden Walk, Garden Party
    A normally busy street will be turned into a green oasis of calm. Join us at Garden Walk for a street party that will feature a food and drink market hosted by local businesses.

    Pop-Up Parklets
    A number of Shoreditch’s car parking spots will be transformed into tiny temporarily parks (known as ‘parklets’). These small spaces are surprisingly versatile – expect to see them transformed into seating areas, child play spaces, urban gardens, and more!


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Sustainability