Ravensdale Road Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements

Closed 8 Dec 2019

Opened 12 Nov 2019


We are seeking your views on proposals for pedestrian accessibility improvements on Ravensdale Road. Following requests from the local community, the Council is proposing to introduce an informal crossing point to improve safety conditions for vulnerable road users and school children in particular.

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. The proposed changes aim to create an environment that will encourage more walking within the local area.

Our Transport Strategy includes a Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan, which recognises that local streets are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on. They are places where we socialise and live our lives. Our aspiration is to reclaim Hackney’s streets from motor traffic congestion and transform them into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London.

One key objective of this proposal is to create a safer, more pleasant environment for pedestrians, especially children walking to school on Ravensdale Road.

The proposals aim to encourage children to walk to school which is a key long-term objective for the Council due to the wide range of benefits these can bring.

Preliminary investigations were carried out to establish vehicle volume and speeds. The results established that existing average vehicle speeds were higher than the speed limit. The results indicates the importance of reducing vehicle speeds to create a safer environment for pedestrians crossing Ravensdale Road.

What are the proposals?

The Council is proposing to install a new crossing point on Ravensdale Road.

  • Install a new raised table with a pedestrian refuge Island to provide a levelled, two stage crossing - this improves accessibility, an example is shown in the below image.

  • Remove existing speed cushions to facilitate a new raised table.
  • Install double yellow lines to provide improved sight lines for pedestrians and motorists. The proposed details are shown on the plan on the right.

The drawing above can be downloaded here.

What happens next?

Your feedback will help us to reach a decision on whether to proceed with these proposals. The results will be available at hackney.gov.uk/street-consultations

Should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals, a further statutory consultation will need to be carried out to make the legal Traffic Management Orders and Public Notices and, subject to this, residents will receive a letter to inform them about the start date for the scheme. Public notices advising the changes will also be displayed in the street at that time.


  • Understanding views