Shepherdess Walk
What is this document about?
This consultation seeks to gather public views from on proposals to improve the cycling environment in Shepherdess Walk.
Why your views matter
Why are we proposing changes in Shepherdess Walk
The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living in, working in and visiting the borough. Creating an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s transport vision and an essential part of Hackney’s emerging Transport Strategy
The London Borough of Hackney has partnered with a number of other London Borough’s and Transport for London (TfL) to deliver the Central London Grid. The Central London Grid is a network of cycle routes in Central London Zone 1, containing a mixture of Cycle Super Highways and Quietway Routes. The Quietway Routes are aimed at new and less confident cyclists and have been identified in order to provide a more attractive and accessible environment for cyclists on less busy roads.
A map showing the proposed Central London Grid for delivery 2016 is enclosed with this document and more detailed information on the Grid, including TfL’s previous consultation in early 2014, along with a number of other pan-London cycle initiatives can be found on TfL’s dedicated webpage (click here).
To achieve a safer, more pleasant environment for cycling on the Central London Grid a number of improvements have been identified which will be funded by TfL and designed and implemented on borough roads by the Council.
Shepherdess Walk has been prioritised as a route within the Central London Grid for delivery by 2016 and the Council has secured funding to create a better street environment with reduced motor vehicle dominance, whilst maintaining access for residents and allowing businesses to continue to operate successfully. The Council intends to undertake further localised consultations on other sections of the Central London Grid as schemes and improvements are developed up in more detail The proposals for Shepherdess Walk include;
• Removing two road humps in Shepherdess Walk and Nile Street between City Road and Micawber Street; and replacing them with new junction tables at Nile Street and Underwood Street
• Extending the raised table at the Zebra crossing at Wenlock Street into a junction table
• Replacing the emergency access gates in Godwin Place and Napier Grove with lockable bollards to improve cycle permeability through the area and to Thomas Fairchild Community School
• Increasing parking by 4 spaces along Shepherdess Walk
• Removing the centre line marking
• Planting new trees, however the number of trees planted may be reduced if underground gas pipe or electric cables are present
• Increasing the number of cycle parking stands in Shepherdess Place, Underwood Street and Shepherdess Walk
• Please refer to the enclosed drawings for details of the traffic calming proposal.
How we use your feedback
We will not be able to reply to you individually, but we will consider your comments, together with road safety research and statistics, to help us make a decision about the proposals.
We can only accept one reply per household
We can only consider your response if you supply your address and post code. You do not need to supply your name. Under the Local Government Act 1985, all replies will be available for public inspection, so we cannot guarantee your response will remain confidential.
- Traffic and transportation
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