Theydon Road – Mount Pleasant Hill Junction Zebra crossing proposals

Closed 14 Oct 2016

Opened 28 Sep 2016


The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working or visiting the borough. Helping to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s Transport Vision and an essential part of Hackney’s Community Strategy. To achieve these aims, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer and more accessible street environment for all users.
As part of this programme and to help improve safety around local schools and children’s
centres, the council is proposing to provide a new pedestrian crossing facility at the Theydon Road/Mount Pleasant Hill junction. In order to support this the Council has completed a preliminary investigation assessing the level of pedestrian crossing demand, particularly amongst children and other vulnerable road users.
Based on information collected and assessed during the investigation, the Council has now
developed proposals and this consultation seeks the views of local residents and businesses on these proposals.
The proposals include
1. Installing a raised junction table at the western arm of the Mount Pleasant Hill/
Theydon Road junction. The raised junction will help reduce vehicle speeds and provide
step free crossing facilities for pedestrians on the western arm of the junction.
2. Installing a zebra crossing on the northern arm of the junction, Theydon Road. This
will help reduce speeds and allow children and other vulnerable pedestrians an easier
passage across the junction.
3. Resurfacing a section on Theydon Road on both approaches to the zebra crossing.
4. Reducing the bus cage by approximately half to facilitate the new zebra crossing.
Buses will not be negatively affected by this.


What happens next

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. Construction works are proposed to commence in December 2016. Residents and Businesses will be informed of any changes to construction dates and an additional notification document will be sent out just before the works start detailing any temporary traffic management measures that may be necessary.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to this consultation.


  • Traffic and transportation