Waterson Street - Proposed road safety and public realm scheme

Closed 16 Jan 2023

Opened 6 Dec 2022

Results updated 5 May 2023

Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.

The delegated powers decision report showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.




The Council is seeking your views on a proposal to address congestion issues on Waterson Street that have arisen since the introduction of the traffic filter on Cremer Street. This filter was initially implemented in February 2021 on an experimental basis, but has now been made permanent.

To address congestion issues, we are proposing to introduce a traffic filter on Waterson Street. The filter would prevent traffic from travelling from Kingsland Road and Union Walk through to Hackney Road. Traffic from Hackney Road would still be able to access Kingsland Road and Union Walk. Cyclists, emergency service vehicles and Council refuse vehicles would be able to pass through.


The Council introduced the traffic filter on Cremer Street to reduce the amount of through traffic using Cremer Street, reduce pollution, improve road safety and support people to walk, shop and cycle locally. After the traffic filter on Cremer Street was installed, residents have told us that increased amounts of traffic from Hackney Road and Kingsland Road started using Waterson Street as an alternative to Cremer Street. This was also confirmed by the traffic data. The additional traffic has led to higher levels of congestion, noise, pollution, and created an environment which does not encourage the use of sustainable transport such as walking and cycling.

Since the decision has been made to make the traffic filter on Cremer Street permanent, the Council is now looking to address the issues on Waterson Street which are anticipated would improve the environment for the residents of Waterson Street, reduce congestion, pollution and make the environment safer for pedestrians and cyclists. For more information about the Cremer Street traffic filter, see hackney.gov.uk/cremer-street

What is the proposed scheme?

We are proposing to introduce a traffic filter on Waterson Street. This would prevent traffic from Kingsland Road and Union Walk from accessing Hackney Road. Motorised vehicles signs would be installed at the Union Walk / Waterson Street junction and traffic prevented from turning left onto Waterson Street from Union Walk.

Waterson Street would still remain two way but motorised vehicles would not be permitted to enter Waterson Street at its junction with Union Walk. It is anticipated this would reduce congestion but residents would only be able to access Waterson Street, east of Union Walk, from Hackney Road. A map of the proposal can be found here.

The proposal would be implemented by extending the pavement area with a rain garden and using signs and lines to highlight the changes. If approved, the Council will consider camera enforcement (subject to funding and if there are high levels of non-compliance).

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made at consultation.hackney.gov.uk

To keep up to date with this and other plans, please visit hackney.gov.uk/street-consultations

Permanent Works

Subject to this consultation and the necessary approvals, we would expect construction works to start early next year with works taking no longer than one week.

Further information regarding the works would be sent out to residents and businesses in the area closer to the time if the scheme goes ahead.


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