Worship Square - Public Realm Improvement Scheme

Closed 11 Nov 2018

Opened 15 Oct 2018

Results updated 30 Jan 2019

The delegated powers decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.



Help us improve the Clifton Street and Worship Street junction

We are seeking your views on a proposed scheme to create a new high quality public space at the junction of Clifton Street and Worship Street.

Why your views matter

This is part of a new approach as to how we want the streets of Shoreditch and Hoxton to work – a long term vision for this thriving and dynamic area of London is to create streets that are safe and easy to walk or cycle on, reducing vehicle dependence and improving air quality.

The Council’s Transport Strategy recognises that roads and streets in our neighbourhoods are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on; they make up the largest element of the public realm of the city and are the places where we socialise and live our lives.

We would like to transform Hackney’s neighbourhoods into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London. This aspiration can only be achieved by reducing the dominance of the private vehicle primarily through managing on-street parking and reducing traffic flows.

We recognise the detrimental impact of air pollution in the City Fringe. Air pollution is responsible for the early death of approximately 10,000 Londoners each year and causes alarming rates of asthma and other respiratory illnesses in children.

This has led to us creating a Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) in the City Fringe, made possible through funding partly from the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund. The LEN prioritises walking, cycling and the use of electric vehicles through the creation of new routes, new public spaces, innovative electric vehicle charging and smart parking.

This scheme is part of a package of measures focussed on reducing emissions and promoting sustainable travel to improve local air quality.


The approach we are taking includes a series of schemes intended to improve walking and cycling conditions within Shoreditch and Hoxton. This is one of the schemes that will contribute to making Shoreditch and Hoxton a more liveable and healthy place.

These schemes will:

  • reduce levels of pollution
  • make it easier and safer to walk and cycle
  • improve the character of the area for all residents and businesses
  • improve people’s walking experience

What we intend to do

Funding has become available through contributions from nearby developments to improve this location so that it feels more safe and activated.

We are proposing to completely close this section of Clifton Street, creating a new distinct high quality public space with trees, planting and seating. Bicycles will still be allowed to cross the space after the works are completed. Emergency access will still be maintained during and after the works. The existing one-way access up Holywell Lane will also be retained during and after the works.

We intend to create this new space by paving over the road area and removing vehicle and motorcycle parking directly north of Worship Street. We are also proposing an informal pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs on Worship Street to the new public space. This should improve the way this space looks, moving away from a car and motorbike park to a pedestrian-friendly and pleasant open space. Closing this section of road will allow the creation of a larger landscaped area than would otherwise be possible. We believe that making the environment more attractive encourages more walking and this scheme could play a big part in achieving that.

The scheme will likely include some areas of low level planting and new trees that will also contribute to a greener, friendlier character to the space. The areas of low level planting should also help to soak up rainwater and groundwater (Sustainable Urban Drainage).

We are also planning to install a drinking water fountain point, wayfinding signage and cycle stands.

For details of the proposal please refer to the drawing below.

How to have your say

Your views are very important in the Council’s decision-making process. Please read through the information on this page and complete the questionnaire by Sunday 11 November 2018.

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made on this page. To keep up to date with this and other plans, please visit www.hackney.gov.uk/street-consultations

Permanent works

If the scheme goes ahead, following consultation, we expect construction works to start around February 2019 with completion in 20 weeks.

Temporary works

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and businesses will continue to operate as normal.


Q. Has anti-social behaviour been considered in the design of this scheme?
A. Yes. We will also ensure that trees do not create dark spots by adjusting lighting levels if needed.

Q. Will emergency access be possible across the new space?
A. Yes. Informal emergency access will be facilitated by a clear area across the new scheme capable of being used by emergency vehicles.


  • Understanding views
  • Traffic and transportation