28 Day Statutory Notice Period - Closure/Merger of Primary Schools
Hackney Council is consulting on changes that would affect up to six primary schools. This is because the significant fall in pupil numbers has caused the financial position of some of the borough’s schools to worsen to the point that it is no longer possible for the Council to maintain them.
Following consultation between 8 October and 19 November 2024 the following notices have been published on 6 February 2025. Within 28 days from the date of publication of the proposals, any person may object to or make comments on the proposals using the online survey link at the bottom of this page. Other ways to respond are outlined below.
Statutory Notice and Full Statutory Proposals
St. Domimic's Catholic Primary School:
St. Mary's Church of England Primary School:
- Statutory Notice and Full Statutory Proposal to discontinue (close) Sir Thomas Abney School including the Language Resourced Provision (LRP) and amalgamate (merge) the student body with Holmleigh Primary School
- Statutory Notice and Full Statutory Proposal to increase Holmleigh Primary School from 1 form of entry (1FE) to 2 forms of entry (2FE) and to add special educational needs provision for language
- Statutory Notice and Full Statutory Proposal to discontinue (close) Oldhill Community School including the Additional Resourced Provision for autistic children and amalgamate (merge) the student body with Harrington Hill Primary School
- Statutory Notice and Full Statutory Proposal to increase Harrington Hill Primary School from 1 form of entry (1FE) to 2 forms of entry (2FE) and to establish an Additional Resourced Provision for autistic children
Further information
The Cabinet reports with the full recommendations to be considered can be accessed on the page of the Cabinet meeting.
Details of the consultation and outcomes can be viewed here.
You can also comment by emailing: school.sufficiency@hackney.gov.uk or by writing to:
School Sufficiency & Estates Team
Hackney Council, Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, London, E8 1DY
The closing date for receipt of responses to the representation period is 5 March 2025 at 5pm.
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