Draft Inclusive Economy Strategy

Closed 18 Aug 2019

Opened 4 Jul 2019


The Draft Inclusive Economy Strategy sets out our vision for a more inclusive local economy, and sets out the approach the Council is taking to promote this over the next five years. 

There is growing recognition, nationally and globally that existing models of economic development which focus solely on economic growth and expect the benefits to trickle down to the wider community have not worked. They have allowed inequality to increase.This draft strategy responds to community concerns about the high levels of poverty and inequality in our borough and to a sense of disconnection some residents feel about recent economic changes happening here.  It also flows from all the community engagement and work done to develop Hackney’s Community Strategy 2018-2028 and from the Mayors Manifesto. 

The draft strategy acknowledges the limits to the changes that the Council can affect alone. It shows how the Council is leading by example and using its resources and levers to promote a more inclusive economy.  It also identifies the many ways we need to work with partners and the local community to shape the local economy in ways that benefit everyone in our borough.

It also sets out the Council’s ambition to build on the work we have already started.  The 3 big connected priorities are to: 

  1. Support local neighbourhoods and town centres to thrive and to be inclusive, resilient places 
  2. Champion and support local business and social enterprise in Hackney and protect and maximise the delivery of affordable workspace in the borough 
  3. Connect residents to high quality support and opportunities to learn new skills, get good quality work and to make progress in work over their career

Local Authorities are well placed to work with others to create and improve economic opportunities in and around our localities.  We want to work together with our communities to further progress this.

Please take a look at the Draft Strategy before providing your feedback. There is also a set of summary slides. You will find links to both documents below. 

Please tell us what you think about each of the three sections of the strategy and the strategy overall.  

Summary Document

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Full Strategy

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Why your views matter

This draft has drawn on existing community engagement and community insight about economic changes in the borough, people’s lived experiences of those changes and the economic opportunities local people want for. This consultation is the final chance to test the high level approach set out in the draft strategy with people who live and work in the borough. 

There will be ongoing engagement with local people and a wide range of other partners as we start the work of delivering on the new commitments set out in this strategy together with others. 


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas