Leaseholder & Freeholder Open Day Workshops

Closed 7 Oct 2018

Opened 17 Sep 2018

Results expected 8 Oct 2018

Feedback expected 9 Oct 2018


At the Leaseholder & Freeholder Open day, we are seeking the views of Hackney Leaseholders & Freeholders through two workshops. Those who attend and contribute to a one hour workshop will be given a £20 Love2Shop voucher as a thank you for taking part.

The two workshops are:

1. Sevice satisfaction

A workshop which explores service satisfaction levels - what is working well, what is not - and how to improve our services to leaseholders & freeholders. We will also be exploring the impact of some of the recent improvements to our services - have you benefited from them?

This is a great chance to have your say on how we provide our services to you and have an impact on how we will be improving them.

2. Enhanced service offer:

Earlier this year we announced our intention to implement an enhanced service offer which will give leaseholders & freeholders on estates access to a range of Council services to improve the safety and condition of their homes. These will include the option of having annual gas safety checks carried out by the Council, or having other fire safety works, including the replacement of property entrance doors, undertaken by the Council’s specialist contractors.

We want to get the offer right, and this workshop will focus on the next steps of the Enhanced Service Offer and additional ways to keep your home safe and up-to-date.

This is a great opportunity to contribute to the way in which these parts of the Enhanced Service Offer develops; which aims to assist leaseholders & freeholders on estates in making sure they are safety compliant.


  • Leaseholder and Freeholder Open Day

    From 13 Oct 2018 at 11:00 to 13 Oct 2018 at 16:00

    This event aims to inform Hackney's leaseholders and freeholders about the services the Council and others have to offer. There is also a chance to have one-to-one sessions with Officers from Leasehold & Freehold Services.

    As well as presentations energy efficiency, asset management and gas safety, Hackney Leaseholders & Freeholders will be able to access and get information on a range of other Council services, and the London Fire Brigade.

    There will also be fun games and activities for children and families!


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas