Repurposing Council-owned land
Consultation is expected to begin in early 2024
What we’re doing
As well as the many projects happening now, we’re also exploring opportunities for longer-term changes on Council-owned land in Hackney Central.
The Council owns three sites in Hackney Central that have been allocated as suitable sites for potential new development in Hackney’s Local Plan, including:
The car park at the northern entrance to Hackney Central station on Amhurst Road
The southern entrance to Hackney Central station at Graham Road and adjacent Iceland store on Mare Street
The Council depot and surrounding land on Florfield Road
While not a potential site for new development, we’re also looking at options to make better use of the space at Hackney Town Hall car park at the same time.
Why we’re doing it
The Council is in a unique position having kept the ownership of publicly owned land in the town centre, allowing us to work with the community to shape new development to meet the needs of the community both now and in the future.
That’s why we’re exploring how these spaces can be better used to help meet the long-term demand for housing and commercial space – in particular affordable homes and workspaces – and facilities for the community.
How we’re doing it
We’ve appointed a design team to work with us on feasibility studies for these sites. This includes various assessments that help determine the opportunities and limitations of each site, so that we can work alongside the community to develop proposals with a fuller understanding of the options available.
This team will work with us on all four Hackney Central sites, alongside five sites in Dalston at Birkbeck Mews, Dalston Lane and three locations on Ashwin Street.
Following this, we’ll begin engaging with the community on the sites, building on ongoing conversations with residents, community groups and businesses.
Hackney Central is changing event
From 23 Sep 2023 at 11:00 to 23 Sep 2023 at 14:00Join us in Hackney Town Hall Square to meet the team at our Hackney Central pop-up
- Hackney Central
- Growing Hackney Central
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