Rhodes Estate Renaming Consultation
Results updated 23 Dec 2024
Please take some time to review the summary report of the Rhodes Estate Renaming Consultation that took place between November 2023 and January 2024.
- Review, Rename, Reclaim- Rhodes Estate Consultation Summary Report.pdf, 294.5 KB (PDF document)
In 2020, your Residents and Tenants Association requested support from the Council’s Review, Rename & Reclaim programme to consult on the name of the Estate and Community Hall. This is the name given to Hackney Council’s review into the legacies of African enslavement history and colonialism in Hackney.
Engagement took place on the estate in 2022 with a consultation taking place in January 2023. This returned a 63% majority agreeing to renaming the estate.
In July 2023 your resident naming panel, including your ward councillors, agreed the shortlist of three names.
Please vote for your preferred name.
This is a resident-led name change, and your opportunity to decide on the new name for the estate and community hall. Please complete the survey to record your preferred name.
Why your views matter
We are carrying out a public consultation to give people the opportunity to decide on the new name for the estate and ask local residents their views on renaming streets, buildings and public spaces in Hackney.
What happens next
Next Steps
The final name chosen by residents will be announced by the end of Febuary 2024.
- Understanding views
- Voting
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