Millfields Gym Equipment Consultation

Closed 9 Dec 2016

Opened 31 Oct 2016


The Council would like to hear your views on potential alterations to the trim trail at Millfields. The trim trail runs around the perimeter of the park’s north-east corner and consists of equipment such as monkey bars, balancing beams and pull-up bars. It is designed to be used sequentially.
The trim trail at Millfields is in need of updating and replacement. There are two options that the Council would like to explore for this, with funding available to implement one of the options:
• Option 1 - retain the existing types of equipment and layout (the trim trail), replacing or repairing equipment where needed.
• Option 2 - remove the trim trail and create a dedicated exercise area within the park, comprised of fixed equipment such as parallel and pull-up bars. The proposed location for the dedicated area would be adjacent to the play area on Casimir Road (see map below).
Have your say
Hackney Council would like you to have your say on the options before an application for Common Land consent is submitted to the planning inspectorate. 
The consultation ends on 9 December 2016. 


  • Drop-in event

    From 26 Nov 2016 at 11:00 to 26 Nov 2016 at 15:00

    Have your say on the proposals for gym equipment at Millfields at our drop-in event beside the play area at Millfields (on Casimir Road).


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Planning
  • Parks & green spaces
  • Sport & leisure