Have your say on the future of parking permit prices
Results updated 8 Dec 2022
Following the close of the Parking and Enforcement Plan (PEP) listening exercise on parking permit prices, feedback from both the PEP consultation and listening exercise were considered. A report was then written which sets out the recommendations and the draft PEP was updated to its final form. The report and PEP was presented to the Council’s Cabinet and was approved in October 2022. The approved PEP was published in November 2022 and can be read here. The cabinet report is available to read here.
The PEP 2022-27 outlines the key visions for parking services. These are:
Supporting the creation of sustainable streets for everyone, by re-prioritising more of our kerbside space to support greening in the borough, and sustainable transport.
Providing high-quality, customer-focused services that respond to the needs of our residents, businesses and visitors.
Encouraging motorists to choose active travel and sustainable travel options, a switch to cleaner vehicles with a reduction in private vehicle ownership.
Consolidating a fair, proportionate and transparent enforcement service to deliver high levels of compliance, and robustly tackle fraud.
Delivering a consistent approach to parking products and services on all council-managed estates.
To see all recommendations and policies, read the PEP 2022-27 here.
Please note that some of the proposals which were consulted on have been changed following the consultation. Please refer to the PEP 2022-27 for the final recommendations which are due to be implemented.
Last year we invited you to take part in a consultation on proposals setting out the future of parking in Hackney. These proposals are contained in our draft Parking and Enforcement Plan 2021-26 (referred to from here as the PEP) and its appendices. The PEP is the Council’s primary parking policy and strategy document governing parking-related decisions.
Following this consultation, and having reviewed the feedback provided, we are inviting you to give us your views over a period of three weeks on revised proposals for parking permit prices only.
The opportunity to have your say on permit prices opens on Thursday 16 June and will run for three weeks until Wednesday 6 July 2022.
This exercise is limited to feedback about our revised permit prices only and will allow us to consider any feedback we receive on this proposal, before making a final decision.
Revised parking permit proposals
Starting price point for electric vehicles - Some respondents fed back that the initial proposals, which proposed that electric vehicles should receive free permits, did not take into account the pollution caused by tyre and brake wear, and that the cost of the cheapest parking permit should not be less than the cost of renting secure cycle parking in Hackney so that the right pricing incentives are in place to encourage people to opt for the greenest forms of transport possible in the borough. The changes don’t affect the proposals for doctors or all zone permit prices, as the lowest price band for these permits in the initial proposals were already above the cost of secure cycle parking.
Which diesel vehicles incur the diesel levy - We also received feedback on the proposals around the diesel surcharge. The original proposals set out to levy a surcharge on all diesel vehicles, but in light of feedback, we are putting forward revised proposals which will see only diesel vehicles that do not meet the DVLA’s Real Driving Emissions 2 (RDE2) standard for nitrogen oxide emissions being charged this levy. This change has been made in recognition of the improvements made by vehicle manufacturers in recent years, and the availability of real driving emissions data for more modern diesel vehicles.
Why we are doing this - Emissions-based charging is a system of charging for permits based on the CO2 emissions that the vehicle emits. Drivers can find their emissions rating on their V5C registration certificate or using the government certificate agency website. Emissions-based charging currently applies to residential, business, community, doctors permits and all zone permits and we propose that it be introduced for estate and car club permits as well.
This type of charging for permits was introduced to encourage the use of less polluting vehicles and reduce the impact of Hackney’s residents and businesses on local air quality and climate change. To further encourage vehicle owners to switch to less polluting vehicles, it is proposed to increase the number of pricing bands from 5 to 13. The proposed 13-point charging structure will be accompanied by a change in our permit prices which will be phased in over a five or seven-year period. This should afford drivers with high polluting vehicles the time to make a decision whether they want to keep or switch their vehicle.
Why your views matter
Who should participate?
Parking policy affects everyone in the borough, not just parking permit holders. Therefore we would invite residents, businesses, workers, and visitors to participate.
Have your say
You can have your say online by Wednesday 6 July 2022 by clicking the link below. If you would prefer, you can also print off a copy of the booklet and questionnaire, place the completed questionnaire in an envelope, attach a stamp, and send it back before the consultation closes to:
Parking consultations
PO box 75931
E5 5EW
On Wednesday 29 June 2022 we will be holding:
- A call-in session where you can phone us anytime between 9-5pm to speak to a Policy officer about the proposals.
- An online drop-in session where our panel of Parking managers can answer your questions between 6:30-8pm.
For more information or to register, please click here.
How we use your feedback
We will not be able to reply to you individually, but we will consider your comments before making a decision about the proposals. Please note that we can only accept one response per person. To respond to this consultation, you will need to provide your name and postcode. You do not need to give your personal contact details, but doing so will allow us to inform you of the final decision.
What happens next
Following the closure of the questionnaire on Wednesday 6 July 2022, responses will be collated and considered alongside the existing feedback from the proposed consulted PEP, which was obtained during the consultation from 16 August to 15 November 2021 and was analysed. A report will be written setting out the Council’s parking policies, objectives, and recommendations and presented for approval at a Cabinet meeting, attended by elected councillors in Autumn 2022.
Call-in session
From 29 Jun 2022 at 09:00 to 29 Jun 2022 at 17:00A call-in session where you can phone us anytime between 9-5pm to speak to a Policy officer about the proposals.
Drop-in session
From 29 Jun 2022 at 18:30 to 29 Jun 2022 at 20:00An online drop-in session where our panel of Parking managers can answer your questions between 6:30-8pm.
- Understanding views
- Gathering ideas
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