Stage Two Design Consultation - Zone T (Stamford Hill area)
Results updated 23 Nov 2017
Statutory Objections
The Council received a number of objections from the parking zone T area during the statutory consultation period.
All objections have now been considered and a decision has been made by the Council.
A copy of the decision audit report which outlines the decision made and reasons for the decision can be found below.
Parking Services will be implementing parking signs and lines in the zone T area from the 4th December to the 11th December 2017. During this time, parking will be suspended in roads in the area.
All residents in the zone T area have been sent implementation letters which provide details of when parking in their road will be suspended and alternative parking locations where they can park during this time.
A copy of the implementation letter can also be found below.
Consultation Outcome
We are pleased to announce that the result of the Stage Two ‘Design’ consultation for parking controls in parking zone T area (Stamford Hill) is now available on our website.
A copy of the approved delegated report which details the decision made by the Council has been attached below.
Summary leaflets detailing the results of the consultation and final decision made by the Council will shortly be sent out by post to all residents and businesses in the area.
- Delegated Report, 952.6 KB (PDF document)
- Decision Audit Report, 377.5 KB (PDF document)
- Implementation Letter, 95.3 KB (PDF document)
- Temporary parking area for zone T permit holders, 49.3 KB (PDF document)
Parking Services consulted you between October and November 2015 on the introduction of parking controls on your road and surrounding roads in your area (Stage 1 consultation in Stamford Hill area).
Why your views matter
During the consultation, all local residents and businesses in the ‘uncontrolled’ area were sent a consultation pack and were given the opportunity to have their say on the proposed introduction of parking controls.
As a result of the consultation and support from local residents, the Council approved the introduction of parking controls in the following streets:
• Alkham Road
• Lampard Grove
• Margaret Road
• Windus Road
Before we install the new parking restrictions, we want to ensure that the design of the parking restrictions meets your needs. We therefore want to know your views on the proposed design (including the type and location of different parking bays) and hours of operation for your zone.
What happens next
- Community safety
- Traffic and transportation
- Parking
- Pollution
- Sustainability
- Planning
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