Hackney Parks and Green Spaces Strategy

Closed 18 Jan 2021

Opened 16 Nov 2020

Feedback updated 17 Nov 2021

We asked

We asked the public for feedback on a draft Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. We wanted to check we’d got the focus right and that you supported the draft vision and commitments. We also included lots of open text questions to give you room to tell us your views, ideas and priorities.

Although the pandemic changed the way we undertook engagement, we were really pleased that 967 of you took part by filling in the survey, attending focus groups, or emailing in your feedback.  

You said

You told us you liked the look and feel of the strategy and how it had been co-designed with residents, staff, stakeholders and young people.

You told us you agreed with the commitments we had made around community engagement and environmental sustainablity. However you also told us we needed to place a greater emphasis on getting the basics right like safety, litter and public toilet facilities. 

Read the full Parks and Green Spaces Consultation Report

We did

We used the comments, feedback and insight people shared with us to redraft the strategy, which was adopted by cabinet on 24 May 2021.

For updates on progress on the strategy 

Results updated 16 Feb 2023



We are writing a Parks and Green Spaces Strategy that will guide how we develop and look after our 58 parks and green spaces and 237 housing green spaces in Hackney over the next ten years. 

To develop the strategy we spoke to experts, staff and young people who told us the themes and issues we need to tackle and the areas we need to focus on. 

The draft strategy sets out a vision for parks and green spaces where communities are more actively involved, our parks and green spaces feel safe, welcoming and cared for, there is more to do for a greater range of people, and the service is more environmentally sustainable.

We are really keen to hear what you think!

We highlight the key areas of the draft strategy in the survey for you, but if you wish to read the whole document beforehand use the link at the bottom of the page.


  • Parks & green spaces