Making better use of Stoke Newington Town Hall and surrounds

Closed 14 Aug 2017

Opened 19 Jun 2017


Hackney Council wants to make better use of the historic Stoke Newington Town Hall, Library and the under-used buildings and space to the rear, to ensure that the buildings have a vibrant and sustainable future.

It is expensive for the Council to maintain these buildings and their community functions. In recent years the Council has spent over £5 million refurbishing these buildings, and more maintenance work is needed. Over the coming years it is estimated that the Council will need to spend a further £10 million on additional work to protect and maintain these important community and heritage assets.

Using responses from a consultation carried out during October 2016, the Council has set out a number of potential new uses and improvements for Stoke Newington Town Hall and surrounds which have been used to create a draft Planning and Design Guidance document; copies of which can be found at all Hackney libraries and at along with links to all other documents referenced within this consultation.

This consultation summary outlines the suggested changes to how various parts of Stoke Newington Town Hall, Library and rear could be used, subject to planning and/or listed building consent in many cases. These changes are only suggestions and may not form the final uses for the buildings. The Council wants to hear the views of residents on these suggested changes of use before finalising the Planning & Design Guidance document.  

Please read the summary document and / or the Planning and Design Guidance document below carefully before completing the survey.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please find below the drop-in dates for the public to speak with planning officers in the Stoke Newington Library Foyer about this consultation:

  • Tuesday 27 June 10am-12pm
  • Wednesday 12 July 12pm-2pm
  • Wednesday 26 July 2pm-4pm

What happens next

Once the consultation is closed we will review the feedback and amend the document accordingly, finalising the document and taking it to adoption. 


  • Stoke Newington and Clissold Ward forum

    From 25 Jul 2017 at 18:00 to 25 Jul 2017 at 19:30

    Come along to the joint Stoke Newington and Clissold Ward forum to discuss the proposed changes of use to Stoke Newington Town Hall and surrounds, and ask any questions you may have about the consultation.

    Location: Yorkshire Grove Community Hall, 20 Gunster Road, Stoke Newington, N16 8HF


  • Understanding views
  • Planning
  • Regeneration