Hackney’s annual progress report on the Council’s Climate Implementation Plan 2023 - 2026

Closed 14 Feb 2025

Opened 3 Jan 2025


Tell us what you think about Hackney Council's annual progress report on the Council Climate Implementation Plan 2023 - 2026 (CIP) by taking part in a short survey.

The annual progress report provides an update on the key practical and strategic actions to support the Council's climate response over the previous 12 months up until March 2024. 

The latest annual progress report on the CIP can be found in the following document:

We have also produced a summary report and highlights visual based on the full annual progress report on the CIP, these are as follows:

The annual progress report structure is based on the themes in the borough-wide Climate Action Plan 2023 - 2030 (CAP), which was approved in May 2023:

  • Adaptation
  • Buildings
  • Transport
  • Consumption
  • Environmental Quality
  • Green Economy

The Council also receives an independent assessment on its progress towards net zero by Climate Emergency UK. In last year's assessment, the Council’s score was 56%, which placed us 5th amongst London Local Authorities and 6th among single-tier authorities in the UK. Out of the 186 single-tier local authorities across the UK, only 10 councils, including Hackney, have achieved a score above 55%.

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help us:

  • Better prioritise actions to meet the needs of vulnerable residents; and
  • Help shape reporting requirements for the year 2 report.  

Please answer the survey by following the link in the box below.


  • Sustainability