Help Shape the Future of 55 Morning Lane

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Closes 22 Mar 2025

Help Shape the Future of 55 Morning Lane

1. What should the top three priorities be for a new development at 55 Morning Lane?
2. In addition to potential new housing and a supermarket, new public and community spaces could be created at 55 Morning Lane. What kind of public or community spaces would you like to see included in the development? What would encourage you to visit the area more often?
3. The following map shows four potential access points that could improve connections between the 55 Morning Lane site and its surroundings. Please rank them in order of importance. Please explain why.

4. What would you like to see happen at a redevelopment of 55 Morning Lane? (Select as many options as you like)

To help illustrate what the redevelopment of 55 Morning Lane could include, the following images provide examples of different design elements:

Welcoming arrival and entrances (lighting, street art, better routes) (indicative image: Lighting at Aberfeldy Estate, Levitt Bernstein)

Community/Civic Centre (a place to meet with different activities throughout the day) (indicative image: Soap Box Community Centre, Levitt Bernstein)

A weekly market (arts and crafts, makers/farmer’s market, traditional fruit and veg) (indicative image: Market at Aberfeldy Estate, Levitt Bernstein)
‘Greening’ the site tackle air pollution, play, leisure. (indicative image below: Greening at Ocean Estate, Levitt Bernstein)

5. As the redevelopment of 55 Morning Lane progresses, would you be interested in taking part in discussions or activities to help shape its future?

If you are interested in staying involved, please provide your details below: