We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

We asked you to tell us what you thought of adult advocacy services in Hackney. We wanted to know what worked well, what didn't and what we could do to improve things.

You said

You told us that there were a number of areas for improvement. We have taken your feedback on board and will be procuring a new service that better meets the needs of residents who use advocacy services, especially our vulnerable residents. You can see the full report here: Advocacy Services report

Some of the things you told us were:

  • Advocacy should be accessible and culturally appropriate.
  • Advocacy should challenge (systemic) inequalities and support the borough’s most vulnerable residents.
  • Increase the amount of advocates for patients to see as this is too important.

We did

In response to what you told us:

  • We have worked hard to ensure that we offer a service that meets the needs of those who require the service and reflective of Hackney’s population. This contract will widen the scope of deliver with training and development both for community organisations and communities to be able to deliver advocacy in a way which is fully accessible and appropriate
  • We agree and will ensure effective data capture, identify trends and gaps in delivery and act on them. We will also train communities and develop the offer for underserved residents to ensure we maximise support
  • We are looking at training more people from the local communities as advocates to help increase advocate numbers. There will also be opportunities for communities to participate in alternative forms of advocacy.

We asked

We asked for your feedback on Hackney’s draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-26 which will set out the borough’s health and wellbeing priorities over the next four years.

You said

In total, 229 respondents took part in the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents stated that they agree with the suggested actions for each of the three priorities, improving mental health, increasing social connection and supporting greater financial security.

We did

As a result of the consultation we are developing an action plan using your responses to the priority actions, suggestions for additional actions and suggestions for who the Health and Wellbeing Board should work with on these actions.

For more information, please visit https://hackney.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing-board 

We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the stream play area and the southern play area adjacent to Cowper Road in Butterfield Green.

You said

37 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 100 people fed back on the design proposals, which included improvements to the stream area, installing new equipment and making the landscape more playable.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we have made a number of design changes including providing additional swings and monkey bars in the southern play area.

Work is planned to begin on building the play areas autumn 2022.


We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Haggerston Park. 

You said

78 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 103 people fed back on the design proposals, which included making it bigger, adding more equipment so that it appeals to a wider age range of children and making it more accessible.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we have made a number of design changes adding trees for shade and more equipment for older children, including more swings to create spaces where they can hang out and have fun as well as the play area’s younger users. 

Work is planned to begin on building the play area autumn 2022.


We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Stoke Newington Common.

You said

96 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 129 people fed back on the design proposals, which included installing new equipment and making the landscape more playable.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we have made a number of design changes including; keeping the play area fully enclosed; additional toddler swings and a trampoline.

Work is planned to begin on building the play area autumn 2022.


We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Clapton Square.  

You said

24 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 101 people fed back on the design proposals, which included installing new equipment and creating a new entrance and a pathway.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we are introducing more challenging equipment for older children. We are also reviewing the amount of sand on site, the surfacing underneath equipment, the design of the climbable entrance and solutions to make the shelter more welcoming and less of a focus for anti social behaviour.  

Work will start in autumn 2022. 


We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Clapton Pond.  

You said

57 people fed back on the design proposals. 70% liked the designs and 77% liked the proposed equipment. 81% supported the idea to add mounds to the lawn area to make it more playable. People also gave us feedback about other aspects of the play area that were addressed in the final set of designs and are outlined in the consultation report. 

Read the consultation report 

We did

As a result of the consultation we changed the park gates to make them self closing and we will be installing new bins to make it easier to recycle onsite. We will also continue to discuss with the relevant teams the issue of pollution in and around the park and anti social behaviour.   

Work was completed on th play area in November 2021. 



We asked

We asked the public for feedback on a draft Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. We wanted to check we’d got the focus right and that you supported the draft vision and commitments. We also included lots of open text questions to give you room to tell us your views, ideas and priorities.

Although the pandemic changed the way we undertook engagement, we were really pleased that 967 of you took part by filling in the survey, attending focus groups, or emailing in your feedback.  

You said

You told us you liked the look and feel of the strategy and how it had been co-designed with residents, staff, stakeholders and young people.

You told us you agreed with the commitments we had made around community engagement and environmental sustainablity. However you also told us we needed to place a greater emphasis on getting the basics right like safety, litter and public toilet facilities. 

Read the full Parks and Green Spaces Consultation Report

We did

We used the comments, feedback and insight people shared with us to redraft the strategy, which was adopted by cabinet on 24 May 2021.

For updates on progress on the strategy 

We asked

We asked unpaid adult carers about what they think an excellent service for adult carers in Hackney would look like.

You said

You told us your thoughts on what is working well, what the barriers are and what needs to be improved.

We did

We have used this valuable feedback to shape the design of the new service to give carers a better service in the future.

We asked

Shall we change the name of Hackney Road Recreation Ground to honour Thomas Fairchild?

What do you think about holding a market in the space and what kind of market should it be?

Why do you not use Hackney Road Recreation Ground?

You said

Yes lets honour Thomas Fairchild and change the name of the space to Fairchild's Garden.

We think a farmers market would work well in the space.

Hackney Road Recreation Ground is unwelcoming and is not a very nice place to spend time.

We did

We will offically change the name of the space and install new welcome signage.

We will explore the logistics of holding a farmers market in the space.

We will continue to look for funding to improve the park and make it more welcoming.

We asked

Before we applied to the HLF, we asked park users for their thoughts on what improvement they'd like to see at Springfield Park.

You said

You told us valuable information on what you thought of the park, how it could be better and what should be enhanced.

We did

We applied to The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for money to develop plans to improve and refurbish Springfield Park - these will include upgrade work on the buildings, footpaths, play equipment, gates, as well as help to preserve and enhance the park's magnificent landscape. We were successful in our application and the Development Phase of the Restoration project is now commencing.

We asked

you to consult on our Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNA) for the City of London and London Borough of Hackney.

You said

we received one response, with no amendments to the PNA.

We did

The PNA has now been published online, which you can view here: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/Pharmaceutical-needs-assessment.pdf

We asked

How you travel to work and what we can to improve it.

You said

87.5% of respondents travel to work by sustainable transport, while 12.5% drive to work. The main reasons stated for using a car are: quickest, more convenient and cheaper. The top four ways to encourage you to cycle are: better cycle routes, safer crossing/routes for cyclists, increased shower facilities at work and secure cycle parking.

We did

We have since open applications for workplaces to apply for a grant of up to £1000 towards sustainable transport with the aim of addressing the reasons for not cycling. We also offer free cycle skills training for anyone that lives, works or studies in the borough. For more information visit: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/cycle-training.htm

We asked

When you used Butterfield Green, how long was a typical visit and for what purpose did you visit. We also asked you for your opinions of the gardens and your future ideas to improve the space.

You said

You told us that you used the space each week for between 15 minute and 1 hour. Reasons for your visiting included enjoying nature, to use the play area and to take a short cut and these formed your main likes about the site. To improve the site we should look at improving the sporting offer and the planting.

We did

All results have been entered into the Management Plan for Butterfield Green and placed upon the Action Plan to implement proposals and changes where possible.

We asked

Hackney Council and Hackney Homes asked your views on the proposal to return the management of your home to the Council.

You said

A total of 6,158 completed questionnaires were returned and processed (4,673 tenants and 1,483 leaseholders), representing an 18% response rate overall (excluding incomplete and duplicate forms and deadwood addresses). Overall, 56% of residents who responded support the proposals, and 14% oppose.

We did

The Cabinet agreed on 26 January 2015 to the return of housing management functions from Hackney Homes Ltd to the Council at the end of the management agreement on 30 March 2016.

We asked

all pharmacists in the City of London and the London Borough of Hackney to complete a survey of their pharmacy services and needs

You said

we received 68 responses, which have been incorporated into the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments

We did

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments have been published here: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/Pharmaceutical-needs-assessment.pdf

We asked

the public to fill out a survey on pharmacy services in the City of London and London Borough of Hackney

You said

We received 836 responses, and the views of the public have now been incorporated into our Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments.

We did

The Health and Wellbeing Board has produced its first assessment of pharmaceutical needs, which covers 2015-2018; http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/Pharmaceutical-needs-assessment.pdf

We asked

Do you have any comments on the proposed scheme or measures?

You said

The consultation document is attached to this report for reference. Five hundred copies of the public consultation document were sent out to local residents and shop owners around the Morning Lane / Trelawney Estate Area. The consultation document was also published on the web where residents could post their comments on the proposals. The consultation started on 21st August 2014 and finished on 12th September 2014. A meeting was held with shop owners/freeholders on 5th September 2014 to discuss the proposals in person. All very generally supportive of the scheme

We did

DECISION: MORNING LANE PUBLIC REALM IMPROVEMENTS Agree to: 1. Note the favourable outcome of the public consultation exercise. 2. Give approval to proceed with the implementation of the public realm improvements outside 2 – 20 Morning Lane. 3. Give approval to advertise statutory notices for the installation of a raised entry treatment table at the junction of Morning Lane with the service Road, and advertise waiting and loading/parking changes within the service road. Reason:- The proposals will: 1. Improve pedestrian accessibility by removing the existing, significant, cross-fall gradient between building line to carriageway, through the introduction of a tiered public realm treatment - with steps and ramps to maintain appropriate access. 2. Improve accessibility for pedestrians by providing step free crossing points at the junction of the service lane and Morning Lane, and by reducing and rationalising street furniture 3. Provide a pleasant, attractive public realm with trees and seating areas where pedestrian can enjoy the open space with improved air quality. 4. Provide loading and disabled parking facilities for adjacent businesses.

We asked

How the paddling pool area could be improved, which was the preferred design out of 5 options presented and whether the fencing should stay as it is?

You said

More seating/communal areas and some water play element. Option 5 was the most popular play area choice. Leaving the fence in place was the most popular choice

We did

We are working on designs for the paddling pool area, and incorporating your views. For the play area, we will be appointing the designers of Option 5. The fencing will remain in place around the grassed area.

We asked

Residents were invited to attend the yearly fun day at Colville. The event is organised by the Colville Estate Tenants and Residents Association (CETRA) supported by Hackney Homes officers.

You said

More than 150 people enjoyed live music, barbecued food, and a spot of gardening while finding out more about Hackney Council’s regeneration of Colville on 12 July. CETRA talked about the proposals from the perspective of tenants and leaseholders, residents were also able to see designs and models for the third phase of Colville’s regeneration. The appointed architects, were on hand to answer questions about the programme, along with Council officers, while Hackney Homes and police officers provided information on their services.

We did

A temporary new community garden at Kellett House was launched by Cllr Philip Glanville, Cabinet Member for Housing, who planted a sunflower as part of the green-fingered activities on the day. A new and permanent site for the community garden will be created as part of Colville’s regeneration.