Marian Court Design Consultation

Closed 31 Aug 2017

Opened 24 Jul 2017


Marian Court is the final stage of the regeneration of the former Bridge and Marian Estate. Hackney Council has asked for designs that provide:

• 165-175 new homes that meet current space and energy-efficency standards, replacing ageing blocks that are uneconomical to repair

• New community space, such as a community centre

• Ground floor commercial space, including workspace, of which at least 10% will be affordable

• High-quality, well-landscaped open spaces

• Playspace, helping with local under-provision

The design must:

• Create a clear and specific ‘sense of place’

• Encourage a sense of community and shared identity

• Improve residents’ perceptions of safety and security

• Relate positively to the local area’s existing architectural character

• Support connections between the site and wider neighbourhood

The public consultation process is an opportunity to rethink a previous (2012) scheme for the estate, increasing the amount of social housing provided.

Following on from the third of four public consultations on the designs, we would like your opinion on how successful the designs have been against the brief, what you like or don't like about the designs and how well we have responded to previous public feedback when amending these.

If you did not attend the public consultation or would like to refresh yourself on the contents of the boards used, please read through the Marian Court information boards prior to answering the questions, which are available via the link below.


  • Regeneration