Butterfield Green Cycle Path - Proposed Road Safety Improvements (Cycle path layout change and raised junction)

Closed 19 Dec 2021

Opened 22 Nov 2021

Results updated 13 Nov 2023

Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.

The delegated powers decision report showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.



We are seeking your views on proposals to improve road safety on the cycle path adjacent to Butterfield Green and the junction of Allen Road and Nevill Road and transform it into a high-quality public space. We are now seeking your views on the proposals.

Why are these changes being proposed?

These proposals form part of our long term vision for streets in Hackney. We want to create streets that are safe, easy to walk or cycle on, reduce vehicle dominance and help to improve air quality.

The Council’s Transport Strategy recognises that roads and streets in our neighbourhoods are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on; they make up the largest element of the public realm of the city and are the places where we socialise and live our lives. We would like to transform Hackney’s neighbourhoods into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London. This aspiration can only be achieved by reducing the dominance of the private vehicle primarily through managing on-street parking and reducing traffic flows.

The Walford Road Area scheme was implemented on an experimental basis in September 2020 to improve road safety in the local area. Road closures known as traffic filters, which prevent motor vehicles from passing through, were introduced at the following locations:

  • Nevill Road between Osterley Road and Walford Road (camera enforced)
  • Clonbrock Road at its junction with Nevill Road (lockable bollard)
  • Allen Road at its junction with Nevill Road (camera enforced).

As a result, more sustainable modes of transport have been encouraged such as walking and cycling. For more about the Walford Road Area scheme, see hackney.gov.uk/walford-road-area.

The Walford Road Area scheme’s traffic management measures were put in place to address road safety, remove through traffic and contribute to environmental improvements, such as implementing green screens at schools. A decision has not yet been taken to either make the scheme permanent, amend it, or to remove it.

The proposed Butterfield Green Cycle Path scheme, which is independent of any decision on the Walford Road scheme, aims to make pedestrian and cyclist interaction safer as the cycle path is part of the busy commuter route, Cycle Superhighway 1 (CS1). To achieve this, the cycle path adjacent to Butterfield Green and the junction of Allen Road and Nevill Road requires changes to its layout.

There have also been a number of complaints received by the Council as a result of inconsiderate motorcycle and scooter users with regards to safety and the increase in the number of vehicles using the cycle path as a shortcut from Nevill Road to Palatine Road and vice versa.

What are the proposals?

Please refer this drawing for further details.

We are proposing to amend the curvature of the cycle path to slow down cyclists near the junction of Allen Road and Nevill Road, and create an area with low level shrubs and a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) to remove surface water run-off and contribute to the greening of the environment and cleaner air.

In addition, traffic enforcement cameras would be installed at either end of the cycle path to prevent motorcycles and scooters from using the cycle path and footway as a shortcut.

The junction of Allen Road and Nevill Road would be raised to footway level using block paving to change the look and feel of the junction to promote a pedestrian friendly area. Tactile paving and a different paving pattern would guide pedestrians to the appropriate direction of travel. Ramps would be provided to the junction maintaining access for local residents with motor vehicles and for emergency services travelling through the Allen Road closure.

These proposals aim to improve the way this space looks and feels, making the public realm more pedestrian friendly whilst still enabling cycling. We believe that by making the environment safer and more attractive walking would be encouraged.

The proposed scheme would include:

  • maintaining access for bicycles and emergency vehicles
  • increasing greenery with vegetation in  the built environment
  • reducing potential road accidents by slowing down cyclists
  • making it easier and safer to walk and  cycle and interact with each other
  • maintaining access for all residents to  their properties.

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation results as well as the decisions on this page.

Permanent works

If the scheme goes ahead, following public consultation, we expect construction works to start in February 2022, subject to a successful funding bid. Further information regarding the works will be sent out closer to the time.


  • Understanding views