Butterfield Green/Shakespeare Walk Highway Improvement & Pedestrian Accessibility Scheme
Improving road safety and managing the borough’s road network as effectively and efficiently as possible are key transport priorities for Hackney Council. To achieve this, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer, more accessible street environment for road users, and to reduce the impact of traffic on local residents.
Over the last few years the Council has received a number of requests from various User Groups, Residents Associations and Stakeholders in the Butterfield Green area to improve pedestrian access/facilities and traffic calming on Shakespeare Walk between Butterfield Green Community Orchard/SWAPA (Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground Association) and the MUGA (Multi Use Games Areas) children’s playground. Feedback to Transport for London’s Cycle Superhighway Route 1 consultation in February/March 2015 also included requests for improvements at this location.
In response to these requests, the Council has held a number of discussions with stakeholders in the area and has identified funding this financial year to review the traffic calming and provide better pedestrian facilities in Shakespeare Walk between Butterfield Green Community Orchard/
SWAPA and the MUGA/children’s playground.
Why your views matter
This consultation document is about gathering views from residents and stakeholders on the proposals for Shakespeare Walk between Allen Road and Milton Gardens Estate.
The Proposals include:
- Installation of new raised entry treatment on Shakespeare Walk at its junction with Allen Road. A raised entry treatment is a speed table which is built across the width of a side road at a junction.
- Removing the existing speed cushions on Shakespeare Walk close to Butterfield Green park entrance.
- New paving and kerb-buildouts for a new raised table (Flat top hump) with uncontrolled crossing facility.
- Installation of a new raised speed table with an uncontrolled crossing facility on Shakespeare Walk by the entrance of Butterfield Green Park.
- Installing new double yellow lines around the new uncontrolled crossing facility to provide better visibility for pedestrians and motorists.
- Removing the existing speed cushions outside the SWAPA and replacing it with a new cycle friendly sinusoidal speed hump (raised curved speed hump)
- Attached is a plan showing the proposals.
What happens next
Subject to feedback from the consultation process, it is expected that works would be programmed to commence early 2016.
- Traffic and transportation
- Sustainability
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