Dalston Western Curve - Ashwin Street Public Realm Improvement

Closed 2 Oct 2015

Opened 7 Sep 2015


Dalston is a key retail area in the borough benefiting from a new overground station at Dalston Junction as well as the development at Dalston square. The council is committed to promoting business activity to maintain the areas’ economic vitality, as a result the council has recently given planning permission to redevelop two sites situated in the east and west of Kingsland high street known as Dalston Western Curve.

As part of the planning consent, the council has agreed to undertake public realm improvement works on Ashwin Street to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility. The proposals set out in this document have been designed to improve the public realm and provide safer conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.

Why your views matter

This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on the proposals on Ashwin Street. 

The Proposals include:

Carriageway improvementThe existing entry treatments at Abbot Street junction with Kingsland HighStreet will be replaced by a raised entry treatment in different materials extending from Kingsland High Street pass Ashwin Street.The existing carriageway width on Ashwin Street will be reduced and raised to create a more pedestrian friendly street.

 Footway improvement

The footway on both sides of Ashwin Street will be extended and repaved with traditional Tegular block paving or similar. 

Cycle stands

Existing cycle parking stands on the carriageway will be replaced with new ones at different locations along Ashwin Street, additional cycle parking stands will also be introduced to encourage cycling along Ashwin Street which should also improve connectivity with Dalston Lane and Kingsland High Street.


As part of the public realm improvement, it is the council’s policy to provide new trees wherever possible, two new trees are proposed near the junction of Ashwin Street with Abbot Street.

Parking and loading bays

Existing permit holder parking bays will be raised. A loading bay is proposed and Abbot Street parking restrictions will remain the same as existing. Attached is a map showing the details of the proposals.

What happens next

Subject to feedback from the consultation process it is expected that works would be programmed to commence early in the year 2016.

How we use your feedback

Unfortunately, we will not be able to reply to those who respond individually, however we will consider your comments, together with road safety research and statistics, to help us make a decision about the proposals. We can only accept one reply per household. Furthermore, we can only consider your response if you supply your address and post code. However, you do not need to supply your name if you do not wish to do so. Under the Local government Act 1985, all replies will be available for public inspection; therefore, we cannot guarantee that your response will remain confidential.


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Planning