Harrington Hill Primary School Traffic Calming Scheme

Closed 23 Dec 2016

Opened 29 Nov 2016


This consultation document is about gathering views from the local community on the traffic calming proposals on Mount Pleasant Lane.
Improving road safety and managing the borough’s road network as effectively and efficiently as possible are key transport priorities for Hackney Council. To achieve this, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer, more accessible street environment for road users, and to reduce the impact of traffic on local residents.
Reduced vehicle speeds offer the benefit of increased road safety, which will make a positive contribution to encourage more walking and cycling.
There have been 4 personal injury accidents over a 5 year period in the immediate vicinity of Harrington Hill primary school, involving 2 child accidents, 1 pedal cyclist and 1 car related accident.
As part of last year’s expansion works to the school, the Council is proposing to introduce new additional traffic calming measures on Mount Pleasant Lane to slow traffic down when approaching the school entrance.
We need your views to make sure we create a scheme that works well for local people. 

Why your views matter

• Installation of a new raised flat-top speed hump with an uncontrolled crossing facility
on Mount Pleasant Lane by its junction with Harrington Hill.
• New paving and kerb-buildouts at the new raised table.
• Relocating the existing speed hump from outside the Harrington Hill Primary School and repositioning it with a new cycle friendly speed hump closer to Bakers Hill junction.
• Removing the existing redundant “School Keep Clear” road markings on Harrington
Hill to create additonal parking spaces for residents to park their vehicles.
• On Mount Pleasant Lane, revised waiting restrictions on the existing single yellow lines by the western side kerb from Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
• On Mount Pleasant Lane, relocation of the existing “School Keep Clear” road markings closer to the new flat-top hump on the western side kerb to provide better visibility for pedestrians and motorists.
• Installation of two new vehicle activated “SLOW DOWN” signs on the both approaches to the Harrington Hill School on Mount Pleasant Lane.

What happens next

The consultation results will help us reach a decision on whether to proceed with these proposals in your area. The Council will publish the consultation results at consultation.
hackney.gov.uk Should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals, residents and
businesses will receive a letter and see public notices advising them on the exact start date of the works.


  • Traffic and transportation