Help shape the future of Chatsworth Road
Help us improve Chatsworth Road
We’re committed to creating a greener, healthier Hackney. That means cutting traffic emissions, improving air quality, and helping local people to live active and healthy lives.
As part of that commitment, we’re proposing to reduce vehicle traffic along Chatsworth Road. These changes aim to make Chatsworth Road safer, greener, and more accessible for everyone - whether you’re walking, cycling, using public transport, or driving.
Why are these changes being proposed?
- Chatsworth Road is a thriving local high street but suffers from heavy traffic. Over 5,000 vehicles use Chatsworth Road daily - 40% just pass through without stopping.
- The King’s Park ward has the worst levels of public transport access in the borough and 50% of households in this ward do not own a car.
- The proposals, including diverting the 308 bus service to Mandeville Street on Sundays, will give residents more travel choice and improve the walking and cycling environment.
- There is a road safety concern on Chatsworth Road, particularly during the Sunday Market, with a history of road casualties and poor air quality.
- More than 1,000 people completed the Chatsworth Road travel survey in 2023, with two-thirds saying they would support improvements to walking, cycling and air quality, even if it could increase car journey times.
Our aims
- Make cycling and walking safer and easier on Chatsworth Road and in the surrounding area
- Improve journey times for buses and ambulances
- Reduce traffic in the area
- Improve the area as a place to visit and shop, including on market day
What are the proposals?
The proposals are illustrated in this drawing.
A more detailed map of the proposals can be found here.
We’re proposing the following measures to create a safer environment for all road users.
1. Proposed new bus gate
From 7am to 7pm, most vehicles will not be able to drive through the bus gate on Chatsworth Road into Brooksby’s Walk (see map for location). Buses, cyclists, pedestrians, emergency vehicles, Council refuse vehicles and HAC01 permit holders are exempt.
HAC01 permit holders include blue badge holders, Taxicard holders, and other eligible groups.
Vehicles will continue to be able to drive from Homerton High Street into Chatsworth Road.
This proposal is designed to reduce the number of vehicles that use Chatsworth Road as a shortcut between Lea Bridge Road and Homerton High Street.
One parking space will be removed and the carriageway width narrowed to create new sustainable urban drainage with planting at the bus gate entrance.
2. Changes to one-way streets
Changes are proposed to some of the one-ways in the area, as highlighted by the red arrows on the map.
This is to stop traffic using these roads as a shortcut between Lea Bridge Road and Homerton High Street. It also ensures vehicle access is maintained to properties on these streets, including Glenarm Road on market days.
A total of 12 parking spaces will be removed and replaced with double yellow lines on Dunlace Road, Glenarm Road and Elderfield Road. This is to create passing spaces and spaces for vehicles to turn on these streets.
Cycle-contraflows will allow cyclists to ride in both directions on Clifden Road and Elderfield Road where changes are proposed to the one-ways.
3. Proposed new pedestrian zone and 308 service for King’s Park Ward
Chatsworth Road Town Centre will be pedestrianised on Sundays from 6am–8pm to create a traffic-free zone. This is to improve the safety and walking environment for the Chatsworth Road Sunday Market.
Subject to TfL approval, the 308 bus service in both directions will follow the 242 route and bus stops in the King’s Park Ward on Sundays.
Market traders will be permitted to enter the Sunday pedestrian zone between 6–10am and 5–7pm to carry out loading and unloading.
Sunday parking restrictions will be introduced at the junction of Chatsworth Road and Glenarm Road (east side) and Blurton Road (east side) to create spaces for vehicles to turn on Sundays.
View the locations of the changes to parking restrictions on the more detailed map found here.
Frequently asked questions
Will I still be able to drive to my home or business if the proposals are implemented?
While some routes will be different, this proposal has been designed to maintain existing access to all properties at all times. It is designed to encourage active and sustainable travel where possible for short local journeys, and to maintain full access for disabled car-dependent people using the free HAC01 permit.
What measures will be in place to monitor the impact of the changes on traffic and air quality?
We will monitor the impact if the proposal is implemented. Our modelling suggests that there will be less traffic on Lea Bridge Road, a very small increase in traffic on Lower Clapton Road, and an increase in traffic on Homerton High Street between Ponsford Street and Brooksby’s Walk.
Working with TfL, we have expanded bus lanes and extended operating hours on Lower Clapton Road to improve bus journey times.
For more information on air quality monitoring locations and results, visit:
Further FAQs
Last updated 16/01/2025
What happens next?
Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation results, as well as any decisions made at:
Subject to this consultation and statutory processes, the Council would aim to begin implementation of the proposals in summer 2025.
- Traffic and transportation
- Pollution
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