Lordship Park - Proposed road safety scheme
Results updated 7 Mar 2025
Following the consultation between August 2024 and September 2024, we have approved plans to implement traffic calming measures and new rain gardens (Sustainable Drainage Systems or SuDS) and public realm improvements on Lordship Park.
The decision has taken into consideration the outcome of the public consultation, where residents were able to express their views on the proposals. The report can be viewed below.
- Delegated Powers Decision Report - Lordship Park, 879.3 KB (PDF document)
- Works notification, 831.3 KB (PDF document)
Following a public event held on 30 November 2023 at the West Reservoir Centre to discuss options with residents to make Lordship Park safer and improve the public realm along the road, we are proposing to improve Lordship Park between the junction of Green Lanes and Lordship Road. This includes the introduction of new raised tables to reduce vehicle speeds and adding rain gardens and more greenery. This will help create a safer and more pleasant environment along the street. We are now seeking your views on these proposals.
Between March 2020 and December 2022, a total of 26 collisions which resulted in personal injuries were recorded by the police on Lordship Park between Lordship Road and Green Lanes. There were 16 casualties, of which one was a serious injury accident and 15 were slight injury accidents. Records indicate one of the casualties was a passenger, one a cyclist, one a motorcycle rider and thirteen were vehicle drivers. This is despite the road being subject to a 20mph speed limit.
During the public event residents expressed their concern about speeding traffic particularly at night and concerns were raised about the narrow width of the carriageway that puts cyclists in danger and stops cyclists using Lordship Park.
As part of our commitment to improve road safety on Lordship Park, earlier this year we replaced the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) on Lordship Park to the new ones and relocated the existing VAS to Manor Road to warn traffic of the speed limit of the road. We also refreshed all the road markings on Lordship Park and Manor Road.
To complement the above improvements, proposals have been developed. The proposals take into account that speeding traffic is a risk to pedestrians and cyclists.
Furthermore, a target of 40% increase in tree canopy cover on the highways has been set for the Borough and every opportunity is being taken to meet this. There is significant potential for increased urban greening along Lordship Park.
We also propose to install Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) to reduce the amount of rain water being transmitted into the main sewer system, whilst eradicating potential surface water ponding.
What is the proposed scheme?
These proposals are illustrated on the drawing here. The following measures form the core of the proposed scheme:
- Introducing sets of traffic calming measures along Lordship Road in the form of flat top raised tables to reduce traffic speeds for vehicles that do not adhere to the existing 20mph speed limit.
- Introducing kerb build-outs (urban greening) at the edge of existing parking bays outside 37, 38 & 10 Lordship Park. This would change the look and feel of the environment and aim to influence driver behaviour.
- Removing approximately 10 parking spaces to accommodate the traffic calming scheme as indicated above.
What happens next?
Your views will also be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation results as well as the decisions made at consultation.hackney.gov.uk
Should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals following public consultation, a further statutory consultation will need to be carried out to make the legal Traffic Management Orders and Notices Subject to this, residents will receive a letter to inform them about the start date for the scheme.
For further information on this proposal, please contact the Hackney Service Centre by calling 020 8356 2897 or by emailing streetscene.consultations@hackney.gov.uk
If you need any information on this consultation in a different format please email consultation@hackney.gov.uk.
We’ll consider your request and get back to you in five working days.
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