Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road - Proposed road safety and public realm improvements

Closed 10 Sep 2023

Opened 31 Jul 2023

Results updated 13 Mar 2024

Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.

The delegated powers decision report showing the results of the consultation and works notification are available to download below.



Help us improve Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road

We are proposing to introduce new road safety and public realm improvements along Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road (A104) from Pembury Circus to Downs Road. These include: traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle speeds, new cycle lanes on Pembury Road, raising existing zebra crossings and implementing rain gardens. We are now seeking your views on these proposals. The proposals form part of our plans to create a greener, healthier Hackney, improve road safety and support people to walk, shop and cycle locally.

We are also developing proposals to improve safety, reduce through traffic and improve the cycling and walking experience at Pembury Circus and Amhurst Road, as part of wider plans to make Hackney Central cleaner, greener and safer. To stay informed about these plans and about opportunities to have your say, sign up here:

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council’s Transport Strategy recognises that roads and streets in our neighbourhoods are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on; they make up the largest element of the public realm of the city and are the places where we socialise and live our lives. We would like to transform Hackney’s neighbourhoods into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London. This aspiration can only be achieved by reducing the dominance of the private vehicle primarily through managing on-street parking, improving highway facilities and increasing road safety on our roads.

The Council has received a number of complaints from residents regarding concerns with road safety and speeding vehicles along Cricketfield Road and Pembury Road. Traffic surveys undertaken in October 2022 showed a majority (85% tile) of vehicles were travelling at speeds averaging 25.4mph along these roads, close to the previous speed limit of 30mph. Reinforcing the 20mph speed limit will reduce the number of collisions and the severity of casualties if they do occur.

Since 2016 a total of 14 collisions which resulted in personal injuries were recorded by the Metropolitan Police on Cricketfield Road and Pembury Road. There were 14 casualties, of which one was fatal (motorcyclist), four were serious and nine suffered slight injuries. According to our records, there were two pedestrians, two cyclists, nine motorists, and one car passenger among the casualties.

The pedestrian survey showed that on average 600 people cross Pembury Road daily. There were also on average 750 cyclists who used Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road daily alongside motor vehicles. In developing the proposals, the Council has informally spoken with local residents to obtain feedback on current road safety concerns. This engagement has found that speeding traffic is a concern for pedestrians and cyclists. We have developed a set of proposals that aims to improve road safety for all road users. This would contribute to reducing the traffic speed and reduce road collisions along the road.

Furthermore, a target of 40% increase in tree canopy cover on the highways has been set for the Borough and every opportunity is being taken to meet this. There is potential for increased urban greening along the road to improve the public realm. We also propose to install Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) along the road, to reduce flood risk and potential surface water ponding. Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road are designated A roads and part of the London Strategic Road Network as designated by Transport for London. The route is also part of bus route 56. This restricts the type of traffic calming measures that can be implemented along this route.

What are the proposals?

These proposals are illustrated on this drawing. The following measures form the core of the proposed scheme to create a safer environment for all road users, especially vulnerable pedestrians who require additional assistance to cross the road:

  • Introduce a set of traffic calming measures along Pembury Road and Cricketfield Road to reduce traffic speeds for vehicles that do not adhere to the existing 20mph speed limit. The additional speed tables would ensure that the traffic calming features are spaced out at an equal distance, thereby achieving lower speeds throughout the road, whilst maintaining bus journey comfort.
  • On Pembury Road it is proposed to upgrade the existing informal crossings to raised zebra crossings to create a safer, more controlled crossing for pedestrians.
  • On Pembury Road it is proposed to install separate cycle lanes in both directions using wands to protect cyclists, while reducing the carriageway width to slow vehicle speed.
  • On Cricketfield Road it is proposed to install cycle symbols marking to remind motorists of cyclists travelling through this area.
  • On Cricketfield Road it is proposed to raise the existing zebra crossing to footway level making crossing easier and slow approaching traffic. 
  • It is proposed to introduce advanced stop lines at the junctions to assist cyclists to stop within a demarcated area to position themselves in front of vehicles (this is subject to Transport for London approval).
  • Install urban greening and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) measures along the road to change the look and feel of the environment, and to influence driver behaviour, whilst preventing surface water runoff going directly to the sewers.

These proposals aim to improve the way this space looks and feels, making the public realm more pedestrian and cycle friendly. The proposals also aim to make the environment safer and more attractive to encourage walking and cycling. 

Example of a speed table

Example of existing rain garden at the corner of Cricketfield Road and Queensdown Road.

Example of cycle lanes using wands

What impact would the scheme have?

The proposed scheme would improve road safety and the public realm by providing traffic calming measures to reduce traffic speeds and improve road safety for all road users.

The scheme would also improve biodiversity and visual amenity in the area due to urban greening and provide further benefits through greater planting and help to increase climate resilience.

The introduction of SuDS features to roads would reduce the amount of rainwater being transmitted into main sewers and reduce the potential risk of surface water flooding. The scheme would also support the following:

  • making it easier and safer to walk, cross and cycle
  • reducing potential road accidents
  • improving traffic flow
  • reallocating road space to sustainable modes of transport such as cycle lanes.

There would be no loss of parking as part of this scheme.

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made at

Permanent works

Should the proposals be implemented following consultation, we expect construction works to start in early 2024 with completion in about 12 weeks. Further information regarding the works will be sent out closer to the time.


For further information on these proposals, please contact the Hackney Service Centre by calling 020 8356 2897 or by emailing

If you need any information on this consultation in a different format please email We’ll consider your request and get back to
you in 5 working days.


  • Understanding views