Rectory Road, Manse Road and Downs Road: Proposal for speed reducing measures
Results updated 9 Oct 2018
The delegated powers decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.
- Rectory Road - Delegated Powers Decision.pdf, 683.8 KB (PDF document)
The Council is committed to improving the safety and quality of life for people who live and work in the borough.
To achieve this, the Council identifies roads that may have above average speeds, casualties or collisions. Speed reducing measures are then proposed and if approved and funding is secured, the proposals can be implemented.
Rectory Road is one such road where speed reducing measures are being proposed. It is ‘one way’ and southbound between Stoke Newington High Street and Manse Road and forms part of the Stoke Newington gyratory.
Transport for London are also working on new proposals for the Stoke Newington gyratory including on Rectory Road. The proposals being consulted on by the Council have been drawn to match the Transport for London plans for the Rectory Road – Manse Road junction. Residents will receive further information on the Transport for London proposals when they are ready.
The speed reducing measures currently under consultation are restricted to the London Borough of Hackney section of Rectory Road between Manse Road and Amhurst Road where a high number of collisions have been recorded at the Farleigh Road, Foulden Road and Manse Road junctions. Most of these collisions involved pedal and motor cyclists or unsafe vehicular turning.
Why your views matter
The Rectory Road – Farleigh Road junction can be busy with high volumes of traffic and pedestrians. In addition, the Finsbury Park – Victoria Park cycle route passes through this junction, making it beneficial for crossing facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists to be improved.
Several collisions have been recorded at the Rectory Road – Foulden Road junction and most of the collisions involved unsafe vehicular turning practices.
The Amhurst Road – Rectory Road junction is signal controlled and is not included in
these proposals.
This consultation seeks the views of local residents on proposals at Rectory Road between Manse Road and Downs Road junctions.
What are the proposals?
1.0 Rectory Road – Farleigh Road junction
- Installing a raised zebra crossing at the Rectory Road – Farleigh Road junction to provide a step free controlled crossing for pedestrians across Rectory Road.
- Upgrading the existing informal crossing facilities for cyclists to include a raised cycle crossing on the closed section of Farleigh Road.
- The existing traffic island and informal crossing for pedestrians will be replaced by the raised junction.
- Other improvements at the junction include planting trees and refurbishing the pavements.
2.0 Rectory Road – Foulden Road Bus Stop
- Extending the pavements at the bus stop to the south of the Foulden Road junction to improve visibility between the Foulden Road junction and northbound traffic to the south of the junction.
- Similar extended pavements will be installed on the south bound bus stop opposite Sydner Road.
- The extended pavements will reduce the road width which will help with speed reduction without installing road humps.
3.0 Rectory Road – Manse Road junction
- Installing a gateway feature with dragon’s teeth road markings, electronic signs and planters to highlight the start of the speed reducing measures.
4.0 Rectory Road pedestrian accessibility
- Raised crossings will be installed on the two side roads to the southbound lane between Manse Road and Downs Road. These will provide step free pedestrian crossings on the eastern pavement.
- Pavement refurbishment will be carried out where required along the eastern pavements.
5.0 Road Markings
- The existing centre line road markings will be removed as part of decluttering efforts in traffic calmed roads.
These speed reducing measures will help bring traffic speeds down while improving accessibility for other forms of traffic, including pedestrians.
For an overview of the proposals, please refer to the drawing enclosed.
What happens next
Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. Works are expected to start afer March 2018 should we get a positive response.
- Traffic and transportation
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