Wick Road Improvement Scheme
Results updated 20 Mar 2018
The Delegated Powers Decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.
- Wick Road Two-way Delegated Powers Decision, 3.9 MB (PDF document)
This document outlines Hackney Council’s proposals for improving the Wick Road area
between Kenworthy Road and Morning Lane, including:
• reverting Wick Road to two-way traffic
• adding better pedestrian crossings
• creating separate cycle tracks in both directions
• replacing trees
• removing some car parking.
Why your views matter
We want to create high quality environments that are safe, healthy and pleasant to live in, work and visit. Key to this aim is a movement towards streets that are not dominated by cars.
We propose to make the Wick Road area more pleasant for people to walk and cycle, including pupils, parents and teachers at St Dominic’s Primary School.
We consulted on a design in 2015, and received a number of comments and suggestions. This design has taken many of those suggestions into account, including:
• keeping the contra flow cycle link between Bradstock Road and Barnabas Road
• better and safer off-road cycle routes
• reducing the volume and impact of on-street and footway parking
• addressing concerns with accidents and speeding
• improving the walking environment
What are the benefits?
For walking
Better crossing points at the three signal junctions and ‘informal’ (i.e. not signal or zebra) raised crossings between Morning Lane and Barnabas Road, and Barnabas Road and Kenworthy Road. The majority of kerbside parking will be removed, making the environment more pleasant and safe.
For cycling
Cycle tracks will mean that people will be able to cycle off the road. The signalised cycling link north-south between Bradstock Road and Barnabas Road will be retained.
For bus users Buses will be able to travel west to east, which will improve the bus links from Wick Road into the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park area. New bus stops will be created.
For local residents
The two-way traffic will improve vehicle access to the local roads and estates and the A12 from the west. This will reduce ‘rat-running’ on many local roads, improving local air quality and lowering vehicle speeds.
For the environment
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) will be created, the lighting upgraded to LED units and the footpaths and carriageways will be resurfaced. New trees will be planted to replace a number of diseased trees.
What are the revised proposals to improve Wick Road?
Changes to the road
• Convert the traffic on Wick Road from oneway to two-way between Kenworthy Road
and Morning Lane
• Upgrade the traffic signals at the junctions of Morning Lane/ Wick Road, Barnabas
Road/Wick Road and Kenworthy Road/Wick Road/Brookfield Road/Cassland Road with improved pedestrian crossing facilities
• Remove all parking from the north and south sides of Wick Road (retaining a
loading bay for the Public House). Some footway parking will be retained
• Reverse the one way flow on Brookfield Road (from southbound to northbound) to prevent large queues building up at the junction of Wick Road/Kenworthy Road
• Ban traffic movements into Brookfield Road from Wick Road and Kenworthy Road to
ensure that the road does not become a ‘rat-run’
• New 20mph speed limit road markings and signs
• Resurface the carriageway.
Improvements to pedestrian facilities
• Upgrade junctions with improved crossing facilities
• Provide informal pedestrian crossings midway between Morning Lane – Barnabas
Road and between Barnabas Road – Kenworthy Road
• Upgrade footways
New cycling infrastructure
• An off-road cycle track along most of the north side of Wick Road, with an on-carriageway cycle lane approaching Kenworthy Road (where the footway narrows substantially)
• An off-road cycle track along the entire south side of Wick Road
• Keep the existing cycle track connecting Barnabas Road and Bradstock Road.
New bus stops
• Three new bus stops along the north side of Wick Road (eastbound) New environmental measures
• Removal and replacement of a number of diseased or dying trees
• Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) to mitigate against increased rainfall and potential flooding
• Energy saving LED street lighting.
- Traffic and transportation
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