Wilton Way Proposed SuDS Scheme and Public Realm Improvements

Closed 15 Jan 2021

Opened 18 Dec 2020

Results updated 15 Feb 2021

Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.

The delegated powers decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.



We are seeking your views on proposals to improve Wilton Way to achieve a safer, more pleasant environment along the street with new landscaping that incorporates Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) with new trees, low level planting and refurbished footways.

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council is committed to making our roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. These changes aim to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling and help to improve air quality.

We are proposing these public realm improvements, primarily to encourage residents and visitors to spend more time on their street and enhance the pedestrian and cycle experience.

Our Transport Strategy includes a Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan, which recognises that local streets are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on. They are places where we socialise and live our lives. An aspiration is to reclaim Hackney’s streets from motor traffic congestion and transform them into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London.

Encouraging the use of cleaner and greener transport options (particularly walking, cycling and public transport) and reducing non-essential private car journeys are key long-term objectives for the Council due to the wide range of benefits these transport options can bring, including:

• Reducing potential road accidents.

• Improving personal mobility by the use of sustainable transport.

• Creating safer, cleaner, and quieter residential streets.

What are the proposals?

Please download the drawing here for details. The proposals include:

• Three SuDS areas, also known as rain gardens, with a combination of low level water-loving plants and trees, designed to better manage stormwater locally, mimic natural drainage and encourage infiltration, and of course to filter the pollution.

• Tree planting within proposed SuDS planters and on footway to enhance public realm and help improve air quality.

• Carriageway and footway resurfacing along the extents of the scheme.

• The removal of seven parking spaces will be necessary as part of this scheme to allow space for the SuDS.

• There will be no restriction on vehicular movements as a result of these proposals.

What happens next?

Your views will also be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made at consultation.hackney.gov.uk

To keep up to date with this and other plans, please visit hackney.gov.uk/street-consultations

Permanent works

If the scheme goes ahead, following consultation, we expect construction works to start around February 2021 with completion in about 6 weeks. Further information regarding the works will be sent out closer to the time.


Q. What is a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)?

A Sustainable drainage system is designed to capture surface water to prevent overloading of the sewer system. SuDS mimic natural drainage into the proposed rain gardens.

Q. What is a rain garden?

A rain garden is a sustainable drainage feature. It is designed to capture rainfall and use the water to sustain planting and help to increase biodiversity. Regardless of how small the garden is, it can have a major impact on surface water runoff by preventing flooding, particularly in urban areas.

A rain garden requires runoff from the carriageway, a level planting area or breaks in kerbs to enable water to drain into them. Alternatively, they can be supported by footway runoff being directed into them. In order to support the greening of the borough, the use of rain gardens should be considered especially in local streets and areas that are predominantly residential.

Q. Has anti-social behaviour been considered in the design of this scheme?

Yes. The design does not incorporate any seating to avoid the potential congregating of people. We will also ensure that new trees do not create dark spots by adjusting lighting levels if needed.

Q. Where can I load/unload if I receive deliveries?

Active loading and unloading can take place on all single and double yellow lines where there are no loading restrictions as well as within parking bays. For any specific requests, such as removals, you can request a dispensation or a bay suspension. Please visit our website for more information: www.hackney.gov.uk/parking.


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